
midway是什么意思 midway在线翻译 midway什么意思 midway的意思 midway的翻译 midway的解释 midway的发音 midway的同义词 midway的反义词 midway的例句

midway [ˌmɪdˈweɪ]  [ˈmɪdˌwe] 

midway 基本解释


名词中途,半途; 娱乐场,游乐场; 折中办法,中间道路

副词中途地,中间地; 中途,半路


midway 相关例句


1. midway的意思

1. There's a small village midway between these two towns.

midway 网络解释

1. 中途:1999年6月,芝加哥奥黑尔(O'Hare)和中途(Midway)国际机场率先安装了AED,结果最初10个月发生的14例病情中,有9名旅客被成功抢救,救活率达64%. 而美国的统计数据显示,在没有安装AED前,美国全国的平均救活率只有5%,芝加哥则为1.8%;

2. 中途岛战役:<<中途岛战役>>(Midway)1976 导演:杰克.斯米特 (Jack Smight) 第二次世界大战分为东西方两大战场,好莱坞拍了很多以西方战线为背景的战争片,但是发生在东方战线的影片拍得很少,这部七十年代出品的大型战争片算是其中的代表作之一.

3. 中途;在中途:midtrough地堑中部 | midway中途;在中途 | midwintershutdown隆冬停输

midway 词典解释

1. 中途;半路;中间
    If something is midway between two places, it is between them and the same distance from each of them.

    e.g. The studio is midway between his aunt's old home and his cottage.

2. (时间)中间地,一半地
    If something happens midway through a period of time, it happens during the middle part of it.

    e.g. He crashed midway through the race...
    e.g. He returned midway through the afternoon.

midway 单语例句

1. Eriksson had already been forced to remove Nicky Butt from his midfield after a heavy challenge midway through the opening period.

2. Midway through the third quarter, he hobbled off with tightness in his right calf before returning three minutes later.

3. Van Gundy shook his head in disgust midway through the second quarter as the " Fire Chaney " chant broke out again.

4. The article says a new chief executive should be elected within six months of the chief executive's office becoming vacant midway through a term.

5. Akwa had two overhead attempts on goal during the Portugal clash but missed the target and was substituted midway through the second half.

6. Midway through the Milan fashion week, certain trends come into focus for next year's warmer weather.

7. It made a distress call as it was being chased by pirates in two speedboats but the phone connection was cut off midway.

8. The South African sent a long shot off the goal post midway through the second half.

9. Mutombo swatted a shot by Andrew Bynum midway through the third quarter, following it with one of his demonstrative finger wags.

10. Rasheed Wallace finally found his touch midway through the third quarter after he had missed 11 of 12 shots.

midway 英英释义


1. the place at a fair or carnival where sideshows and similar amusements are located


1. equally distant from the extremes

    Synonym: center(a)halfwaymiddle(a)


1. at half the distance
    at the middle

    e.g. he was halfway down the ladder when he fell

    Synonym: halfway

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