
milestone是什么意思 milestone在线翻译 milestone什么意思 milestone的意思 milestone的翻译 milestone的解释 milestone的发音 milestone的同义词

milestone [ˈmaɪlstəʊn]  [ˈmaɪlstoʊn] 


milestone 基本解释

名词里程碑; 划时代事件

milestone 相关例句


1. The invention of the computer was a milestone in the history of man.

milestone 网络解释

1. milestone

1. 里程标:我们也可以将SDLC解释为一组步骤(Step)、阶段(Phase)或者里程标(Milestone),SDLC的一般步骤包括:确定问题、可行性分析与开发计划、收集需求、分析与设计、编码开发、测试、安装、维护.

2. 时程碑:如契约规定按时程碑(Milestone)估验时,应明确订定该时程碑之应完成项目、履约事项与完成程度及佐证文件(包括各项试验),承包商应於开工日起[三十][ ]日内,按主办机关设定之各项时程碑,进行单价分析为各项计价单元,

3. milestone的近义词

3. 重大事件:SMF 引入了重大事件 (milestone)的概念,它代替了传统的运行级别概念. 运行级别对计算机上运行的一组服务进行了基本描述,这些服务通常分为一个用户登录到计算机控制台所需的服务(运行级别 S),以及多个用户登录到计算机所需的服务(运行级别 2 和 3).

milestone 词典解释

1. 里程碑;重大事件;重要阶段
    A milestone is an important event in the history or development of something or someone.

    e.g. He said the launch of the party represented a milestone in Zambian history...
    e.g. Starting school is a milestone for both children and parents.

2. (路边显示到某地距离的)里程碑,里程标志
    A milestone is a stone by the side of a road showing the distances to particular places.


milestone 单语例句

1. Aimed at helping Chinese companies buy into overseas markets, it is being seen as a major milestone in China's unprecedented international buying spree.

2. Its milestone document on " harmonious society " has a specific line calling to " exploit the positive functions of religions in promoting social harmony ".

3. His duet with Celine Dion in " The Prayer " for the movie " Quest for Camelot " was another milestone.

4. Cao said raising the water level to capacity is " a milestone in the construction of the gigantic reservoir ".

5. This issuance marked an important milestone in the development of the Chinese capital market, and is also a great example of CDB's contribution in building such markets.

6. It is another milestone in capital operation since Moment Systems secured the first round venture investment in 2010.

7. She said the shows are the biggest event in the club's history and an entertainment milestone for the city in far western North Carolina.

8. The jump into mass production in Germany was a milestone for the CD, and two weeks later the companies announced their product was ready for market.

9. The federal agency must certify aircraft before they can enter service, a milestone Boeing must achieve before deliveries can begin.

10. The election is a milestone for the military government to change into a civilian one.

milestone 英英释义


1. stone post at side of a road to show distances

    Synonym: milepost

2. a significant event in your life (or in a project)

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