
million是什么意思 million在线翻译 million什么意思 million的意思 million的翻译 million的解释 million的发音 million的同义词 million的反义词

million [ˈmɪljən]  [ˈmɪljən] 


million 基本解释


形容词百万的; 无数的

million 相关例句


1. Millions of hamburgers and French fries are eaten every year.

2. million的近义词

2. There are five million permanent residents in the city.


1. million的解释

1. He has millions of books.

2. She often listens to music for the million.

million 情景对话


A:Hi, Don. Herb and Rose are hopeless!

B:Any ideas? Herb's already moved to Hsinchu.

A:I heard there's a romantic outdoor symphony concert in two weeks.


B:What? Get Herb to ask Rose for a date? Never in a million years.

A:No, no. I'll ask Rose.

B:Oh, I see. And I'll ask Herb.


A:Precisely! And the four of us will accidentally meet each other at the concert.
      完全正确!而我们四个会在演奏会上“不期而遇” 。

In the museum-(在展览馆)

A:Wow! I can’t believe I’m standing here!

B:What are you so excited about?

A:I’m standing in front of an exquisite work of art!


B:What’s the big deal? It’s just a picture of some woman.

A:I’ve seen it so many times in books, but I never imagined I’d get to see it in person.


B:There are tons of other paintings that I think are better.

A:Maybe so, but do you have any idea how much this one is worth?!

B:No, how much is it worth?


A:About 80 million dollars.



million 网络解释

1. million

1. 一百万:不过,道琼蓝筹股之一的宝碱公司,股价一度没有理由大跌高达两成,市场盛传极可能是交易员下单错误,把一百万(million)看作十亿(billion),引发卖压.

million 词典解释

The plural form is million after a number, or after a word or expression referring to a number, such as ‘several’ or ‘a few’. 在数字或several, a few等表示数字的词或短语后,复数形式为million。

1. 百万
    A million or one million is the number 1,000,000.

    e.g. Up to five million people a year visit the county...
    e.g. Profits for 1999 topped £100 million.

2. 数百万的;大量的;数不清的;不计其数的
    If you talk about millions of people or things, you mean that there is a very large number of them but you do not know or do not want to say exactly how many.

    e.g. The programme was viewed on television in millions of homes.

million 单语例句

1. He said the company will accelerate the pace of developing the GSM business, in which China Unicom had 128 million users by the end of last month.

2. And premiums from the new business climbed 70 percent in the first six months, hitting 33 million by the end of June.

3. Francis is accused of failing to pay taxes on more than $ 20 million in business expenses.

4. It is reported the aquarium made of acrylic glass costs about five million yuan and covers an area of more than 160 square meters.

5. This year's game is expected to add $ 150 million to the Indianapolis economy and even more if it boosts tourism and convention business.

6. The applicant must have a registered capital of at least 300 million yuan and a history of business operation for at least three years.

7. Maersk's container business for the third quarter registered a loss of $ 293 million compared with last year's profit of $ 1 billion.

8. But it enjoyed a business recovering to report a net profit of 981 million yuan in the first quarter.

9. Business registration fees recorded a 90 percent drop to HK $ 155 million in the same period.

10. As shown by its interim business report, the company recorded losses over HK $ 300 million.


million 英英释义


1. the number that is represented as a one followed by 6 zeros

    Synonym: 1000000one thousand thousandmeg

2. a very large indefinite number (usually hyperbole)

    e.g. there were millions of flies

    Synonym: billiontrillionzillionjilliongazillion


1. (in Roman numerals, M written with a macron over it) denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000,000 items or units

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