
moderator是什么意思 moderator在线翻译 moderator什么意思 moderator的意思 moderator的翻译 moderator的解释 moderator的发音 moderator的同义词

moderator [ˈmɒdəreɪtə(r)]  [ˈmɑ:dəreɪtə(r)] 


moderator 基本解释

名词(讨论、会议等的)主持人; <物>(原子堆中的)减速剂; <英>成绩核对人; (新教的)宗教领袖

moderator 网络解释

1. moderator是什么意思

1. 减速剂:它利用石墨作减速剂(moderator) 的核反应堆(nuclear reac- tot)逆电动势. 再有,在电池中,极化(polarization)建立逆电动势,这种情测量大气压力(atmospheric pressure) 的装置.

2. 版主:等我回复完已经凌晨4点了. 楼主又给我回复了两个长长的帖子,大概看了一下,是对BB的道歉,和对BB先前跟他说过的一贴的解释. 不过没等我回复,版主(Moderator)就把这个topic删除了,还说这里不能讨论政治,并且每一个人要学会尊重他人!

3. 主持人:> > > > --接着是4个研讨者(Panelist)+1个主持人(Moderator)的交流,时间45分钟. > > > > --接着是4个研讨者(Panelist)+1个主持人(Moderator)的交流,时间45分钟.

4. 仲裁人:每个人的建议都不会杳无音信. 对于每一个原则性的改动,都要放到论坛上讨论并最后由大家作出决定,这一点是非常重要的,让每一个人都有参与感. 因为在开源硬件设计的项目中,vxworks和我的作用仅仅是协调人(coordinator)和仲裁人(moderator).

moderator 词典解释

1. (某些新教教会重大会议的)会议主席
    In some Protestant churches, a moderator is a senior member of the clergy who is in charge at large and important meetings.


    e.g. ...a former moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.

2. 仲裁人;调解人
    In debates and negotiations, the moderator is the person who is in charge of the discussion and makes sure that it is conducted in a fair and organized way.


moderator 单语例句

1. Gray Davis, forcing the moderator to repeatedly chide them for straying from the subject.

2. The debate will have an impartial moderator, but there will be no audience and no direct questions from third parties.

3. The speech time can be extended if the meeting's moderator agrees, it says.

4. But sitting too far away is no good, as the moderator might miss you in such a big crowd of hundreds of reporters.

5. He then started to respond but was cut off by the moderator who said the debate had run overtime.

6. Ground rules had called for a debate on foreign policy, but moderator Jim Lehrer of PBS said he would not restrict the topics.

7. This will be a " town hall " session with swing voters whose questions will be cleared by the moderator beforehand.

8. The question was left unanswered as the moderator of the event quickly moved on.

9. Another tip is to have constant eye contact with the moderator and smile at him often.

10. The questions will focus on domestic policy and will be prepared by moderator Bob Schieffer of CBS News.


moderator 英英释义



1. someone who mediates disputes and attempts to avoid violence

2. someone who presides over a forum or debate

3. in the Presbyterian church, the officer who presides over a synod or general assembly

4. any substance used to slow down neutrons in nuclear reactors

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