
money order是什么意思 money order在线翻译 money order什么意思 money order的意思 money order的翻译 money order的解释 money order的发音

money order [ˈmʌni ˈɔ:də]  [ˈmʌni ˈɔrdɚ] 

第三人称复数:money orders

money order 基本解释



money order 网络解释

1. money order的翻译

1. 匯票:您可以至附近办理外汇的银行电汇,将资金注入您在美股券商的帐户,如果您在美国当地的银行有帐户的话,可以使用该银行的个人支票、银行本票(Cashier's Check)、汇票(Money Order)存款、或者银行自动转帐(ACH Money Direct)存款.

2. money order

2. 邮政汇票:您可郵寄個人美金支票、美金本票 (Cashier Check)或郵政匯票 (Money Order)到:當您電匯資金至美國時,不僅當地的承辦銀行會收取手續費,環球通匯系統(SWIFT)以及受款銀行也會酌收費用,美國這邊的處理機構及銀行所收取的匯款總費用約$15~20美元.

3. 銀行匯票:银行汇票(money order) 付申请费和ETS成绩,最常见的形式就是银行汇票. 省级的中国银行和交行都可以办理,其他行不清楚. 需要准备的材料有身份证,和申请材料中包含校名和申请费的任意一张纸(对于GT成绩则是填好的report request form).

4. money order的解释

4. 汇款单,汇票:glossary 术语表 | money order 汇款单,汇票 | letter of credit n.[商](银行发行的)信用证

money order 词典解释

1. 邮政汇票
    A money order is a piece of paper representing a sum of money which you can buy at a post office and send to someone as a way of sending them money by post.

money order的解释

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 postal order

money order 单语例句

1. The culprit spent the sum in buying Internet virtual currency in order to launder the money he illicitly obtained.

2. He assured that the amount of money is " high enough " in order to cover capital needs of Spain's banks.

3. In order to prevent her from squandering cash, Zhang and his wife stopped giving her pocket money.

4. Police said Cheng allegedly changed the lottery data in order to claim the money, which could have amounted to more than 33 million yuan.

5. Developed economies have chosen to print money in order to claw the effects of the 2008 financial collapse.

6. In order to save money, he often joined the construction workers in building his " castle " on top of a hill.

7. Zhang then asked the court to annul the adoption and order his ungrateful kids to repay the money he had spent bringing them up.

8. Crooked officials often take bribes through companies run by the family in order to relocate their " dirty " money.

9. Zhang Feng has been eating only one meal each day since autumn in order to have money for lottery tickets.

10. People begging in vehicle lanes violate traffic rules and disrupt the normal flow of traffic, and drivers who give money to beggars out of sympathy disturb public order.

money order的翻译

money order 英英释义


1. a written order for the payment of a sum to a named individual
    obtainable and payable at a post office

    Synonym: postal order

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