
mulberry是什么意思 mulberry在线翻译 mulberry什么意思 mulberry的意思 mulberry的翻译 mulberry的解释 mulberry的发音 mulberry的同义词

mulberry [ˈmʌlbəri]  [ˈmʌlberi] 


mulberry 基本解释

名词桑树; 桑葚; 桑园

mulberry 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 桑椹:摘要: 桑椹(mulberry)亦名葚、桑果、桑实、乌椹等,为桑树(Morus alba L.)之果穗. 传统中医认为桑椹具滋肾补肝、安魂镇神、聪耳明目、养血怯风等功能,近年来学界对桑椹保健功能研究投入甚多,本文则针对桑椹营养价值、机能性成份与保健功效等进行探讨.

2. 桑树:另外就是目前大行其道的植物提取类的成分例如熊果苷(Arbutin)、甘草(Licorice)、桑树(Mulberry)、牡丹根(Peony Root)等提取物,总之就是一些药草类的成分.

3. 玛百莉:[商品评述]: 玛百莉 (Mulberry)是英国顶级品牌,自70年代成立初起,一直是英国本土款式最创新前卫的高级皮具. 2000年委任Nicholas Knightly担任设计师后,更树立起其优雅,优质的品牌形象,并在短期内风靡国际市场,美国、亚洲行情一路看涨.

4. 桑:例如,一种喷雾型除臭剂含紫草提取物0.5%、桑(Mulberry)提取物0.5%、异丙基甲基苯酚0.2%、氯化羟铝(Aluminumchlorohydrate)2%、聚氧乙烯失水山梨醇椰油脂肪酸酯0.2%、肉豆蔻酸异丙醇酯0.l%、涂ZnO的尼龙0.2%、亚油酸0.01%、香精0.2%、纯

mulberry 词典解释

1. 桑树
    A mulberry or a mulberry tree is a tree which has small purple berries which you can eat.

mulberry 单语例句

1. Exhaust gas with fluoride contaminated the air, irritating silkworms in mulberry fields.

2. In the prevailing Dai culture in that area of Yunnan, young couples often express love at native mulberry trees while singing songs.

3. It takes one year to grow the mulberry tree, and another year to transform the silkworm cocoons into silk and garments.

4. The Gambino crime family's old social club at 247 Mulberry is now a shoe and handbag boutique.

5. A small institute to develop processed mulberry foods and an organic fertilizer plant are also in the works.

6. Mulberry jam is a great way to extend their length of use.

7. Xu is said to have stayed on the island while preparing for his journey, and planting mulberry trees to breed silkworms.

8. Now her mulberry fruits are sold to supermarkets at Zhangzhou city and two other nearby cities.

9. A resort has been built near the lawn and a small stream flows into the mulberry field.

10. There were plenty of mulberry leaves, though getting silkworm was not always so easy.

mulberry 英英释义



1. sweet usually dark purple blackberry-like fruit of any of several mulberry trees of the genus Morus

2. any of several trees of the genus Morus having edible fruit that resembles the blackberry

    Synonym: mulberry tree

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