
musical是什么意思 musical在线翻译 musical什么意思 musical的意思 musical的翻译 musical的解释 musical的发音 musical的同义词 musical的反义词

musical [ˈmju:zɪkl]  [ˈmju:zɪkl] 


musical 基本解释

形容词悦耳的; 音乐的,用于音乐的; 喜爱[精通]音乐的; 音调优美的

名词(社交性的)音乐会; [影视]歌舞片; 音乐(喜)剧 = musical comedy

musical 相关例句


1. musical的反义词

1. They performed a musical play.

2. He has a musical speaking voice.

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3. She's not at all musical.

musical 网络解释

1. 音乐的:她随着音乐的(musical)拍子(tempi),继续(continue)往后走,台下的声音越来越响. 她的嘴角露出(appear)了笑容,她感觉(sense)到自己的这套表演(performance),赢得了观众(audience)的心. 她用眼角的余光扫视(sweep)了一下台边的助理(assistant),

2. musical的意思

2. 音乐:◆ 类 型:剧情(Drama) 音乐(Musical)但是,他却创造了一个与艺术息息相关的生活,作为一个普通的男人,他将个人的挣扎、痛苦以及人性的阴暗面有效地结合到各种不同的音乐风格中,包括爵士乐、节奏蓝调(R&B)、摇滚乐、福音音乐(Gospel)和乡村西部音乐,

3. musical是什么意思

3. 歌舞片:第二部分由六个章节组成,每个章节考察一个主要的好莱坞类型:西部片(Western)、黑帮片(gangster)、硬汉侦探片(hardboiled detective)、神经喜剧片(screwball comedy)、歌舞片(musical)和家庭情节剧(family melodrama).

musical 词典解释

1. 音乐的;与音乐有关的
    You use musical to indicate that something is connected with playing or studying music.


    e.g. We have a wealth of musical talent in this region...
    e.g. Stan Getz's musical career spanned five decades...

Musically there is a lot to enjoy.
从音乐角度看, 有很多可以欣赏的东西。
...trying to communicate verbally what he can only communicate musically.

2. 音乐剧;音乐歌舞片
    A musical is a play or film that uses singing and dancing in the story.

    e.g. ...London's smash hit musical Miss Saigon.

3. 有音乐天赋的;喜爱音乐的
    Someone who is musical has a natural ability and interest in music.

    e.g. I came from a musical family.

...a people of extraordinary musicality.

4. 好听的;悦耳的
    Sounds that are musical are light and pleasant to hear.

    e.g. He had a soft, almost musical voice.

The voice was as musically soft as ever.

musical 单语例句

1. It was adapted into a 1964 screen musical directed by George Cukor and starring Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison.

2. The cacophony of instructions adds a somewhat musical note to the eeriness of the scene.

3. The casting call has wrapped up for a Chinese musical version of Carmen.

4. I still remember how calmly the bandsmen were playing the musical instruments when the ship hit the iceberg.

5. He was recognized early as a musical prodigy, but his parents were cautious and did not seek to capitalise on his abilities.

6. Expect none less than a captivating and expressive performance this March, as Bjork's musical and theatrical sides unite.

7. The packages can be used as a jewelry ornament casket, musical box or lantern.

8. Doctors said people who have the cell phone elbow can feel weakness in their hands and have difficulty opening jars or playing musical instruments.

9. He started his musical training in his native England with the cello and took composition lessons under the guidance of his father.

10. Li Yang loves the cello and cooking and believes experimenting with both is the recipe for his musical success.

musical 英英释义


1. a play or film whose action and dialogue is interspersed with singing and dancing

    Synonym: musical comedymusical theater


1. containing or constituting or characterized by pleasing melody

    e.g. the melodious song of a meadowlark

    Synonym: melodiousmelodic

2. characteristic of or resembling or accompanied by music

    e.g. a musical speaking voice
           a musical comedy

3. talented in or devoted to music

    e.g. comes from a very musical family

4. characterized by or capable of producing music

    e.g. a musical evening
           musical instruments

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