
mutant是什么意思 mutant在线翻译 mutant什么意思 mutant的意思 mutant的翻译 mutant的解释 mutant的发音 mutant的同义词 mutant的反义词 mutant的例句

mutant [ˈmju:tənt]  [ˈmjutn:t] 


mutant 基本解释


名词突变体; 突变; 突变异种; 变种生物

形容词突变的; 变异的; 变异所引起的; 经过突变的

mutant 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 突变体:回复突变(reverse mutation): 突变体(mutant)经过第二次突变又完全地或部份地恢复为原来的基因型和表现型.完全恢复是由于突变的碱基顺序经第二次突变后又变为原来的碱基顺序,故亦称真正的回复突变.部分恢复是由于第二次突变发生在另一部位上,

2. 突变种:与骨质疏松症有关的人类QC突变种(mutant),R54W,我们发现它还保留70%左右的酵素活性. 然而,R54W的晶体结构却显示Trp-54与催化部位约有34 之遥(可参考图一, A). 我们认为,R54W突变种的活性降低可能起因於其疏水性(hydrophobicity)增加,

3. 突变型:美国着名胚胎学家莫根( T.H.Morgan )起初对孟氏的发现心存怀疑,以后他自己以果蝇实验,由人工引发突变而产生四十族突变型 (mutant)互相交配,所得结果完全符合孟氏的遗传法则.

4. 变异:)(B) 研究者在仓鼠身上做了脑神经组织移植(tissuetransplant)试验,对比了正常仓鼠(normal hamster)与变异(mutant)仓鼠之间的行为变化. 这样,可以找到体内生物钟的位置(identification of the internal clock).

mutant 词典解释

1. 变种;突变体
    A mutant is an animal or plant that is physically different from others of the same species because of a change in its genes.

mutant 单语例句

1. The unusual colouring occurs when two lions carrying a mutant colour inhibitor gene mate.

2. She has also finished her first English dubbing for the cartoon movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

3. Of 11 ES cases, two cases have later been identified as carrying the mutant genes.

4. LOS ANGELES - A mutant superhero is no match for the swine flu that has killed up to 149 people in Mexico.

5. " Magneto " will focus on the mutant villain played by McKellen who has the supernatural power to manipulate metal objects.

6. Nickelodeon paid $ 60 million for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise last month.

7. Low levels of the mutant RNA dramatically decreased growth rates of breast and prostate cancer cells in the study and made more cells die.

8. Imagi began producing animated films in 2002 and had a big hit with its first feature Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles released in 2007.

9. From the Han River in Seoul emerges a mutant monster that swallows people alive.

10. Was she just a mutant from the wrong side of the tracks?


mutant 英英释义


1. an animal that has undergone mutation

2. (biology) an organism that has characteristics resulting from chromosomal alteration

    Synonym: mutationvariationsport



1. tending to undergo or resulting from mutation

    e.g. a mutant gene

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