
neck是什么意思 neck在线翻译 neck什么意思 neck的意思 neck的翻译 neck的解释 neck的发音 neck的同义词 neck的反义词 neck的例句 neck的相关词组

neck [nek]  [nɛk] 


neck 基本解释


名词颈,脖子; 衣领; 海峡; [地]岩颈

不及物动词搂着脖子亲吻,相拥互吻; 变狭窄

及物动词使变细; 与…搂著脖子亲吻; 割颈杀死(家禽等)

neck 相关词组

1. get it in the neck : 遭殃, 受严厉的申斥, 受重罚;

2. up to one's neck in : 深陷入;

3. risk one's neck : 冒生命危险;

4. neck and neck : 并驾齐驱;

neck 相关例句


1. The neck of a shirt gets dirty easily.

neck 网络解释

1. 颈部:虫体分头节(scolex),颈部(neck)和节片3个部分. 头节圆球形,直径约为lmm,头节前端中央为顶突(rostellum),顶突上有25~50个小钩,大小相间或内外两圈排列,顶突下有4个圆形的吸盘,这些都是适应寄生生活的附着器官.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 颈:一、正常解剖形态:多数呈梨形(pear-shaped)分部:底(fundus)、体(body)颈(neck)胆汁:无回声区(anechoic area)第六章胆道及胰腺一、正常解剖空腹状态(fasting state)大小:长径前后径囊壁:纤细光滑,

3. neck在线翻译

3. 琴颈:调琴的重点包括: (1)琴桥(Bridge) (2)拾音器(Pickup) (3)琴颈(Neck) (4)其它(有的Bass的上琴枕可以调高低,有的Bass电路板可以微 调Tone. 限于时间,今天先介绍(1)琴桥Bridge的调整项目与重点,如果有人 有兴趣,再继续介绍.

4. neck:nk.; 颈

neck 词典解释

1. 颈;脖子
    Your neck is the part of your body which joins your head to the rest of your body.


    e.g. She threw her arms round his neck and hugged him warmly...
    e.g. He was short and stocky, and had a thick neck.

2. 衣领;领口
    The neck of an article of clothing such as a shirt, dress, or sweater is the part which surrounds your neck.

    e.g. ...the low, ruffled neck of her blouse...
    e.g. He wore a blue shirt open at the neck.

3. (瓶子、吉他等的)颈状部位,细长部分,颈部
    The neck of something such as a bottle or a guitar is the long narrow part at one end of it.


    e.g. Catherine gripped the broken neck of the bottle.
    e.g. ...cancer of the neck of the womb.

4. 搂着脖子亲吻;相拥而吻
    If two people are necking, they are kissing each other in a sexual way.

    e.g. They sat talking and necking in the car for another ten minutes...
    e.g. I found myself behind a curtain, necking with my best friend's wife.

5. (赛马)以微弱优势(获胜),险(胜)
    If a horse wins a race by a neck, it wins by a very small distance.

    e.g. Cee En Cee went on to win by a neck from Leigh Crofter.

6. 密切监视;紧紧盯住
    If you say that someone is breathing down your neck, you mean that they are watching you very closely and checking everything you do.

    e.g. Most farmers have bank managers breathing down their necks.

7. (尤指选举中)并驾齐驱,难分高低
    In a competition, especially an election, if two or more competitors are neck and neck, they are level with each other and have an equal chance of winning.

    e.g. The latest polls indicate that the two main parties are neck and neck...
    e.g. The party is running neck-and-neck with Labour.

8. (常指为实现某事)冒险
    If you say that someone is risking their neck, you mean they are doing something very dangerous, often in order to achieve something.

    e.g. I won't have him risking his neck on that motorcycle.

9. 保全(某人的工作或声誉)
    To save someone's neck means to prevent them from losing their job or harming their reputation.

    e.g. He had enough friends in the right places to save his neck and cover up for him...
    e.g. He said the President was making a last ditch attempt to save his own neck.

10. 担风险;找麻烦;惹祸
    If you stick your neck out, you bravely say or do something that might be criticized or might turn out to be wrong.

    e.g. During my political life I've earned myself a reputation as someone who'll stick his neck out, a bit of a rebel.

11. 担负;缠住
      If you say that you have something round your neck or around your neck, you mean that it is your responsibility and it causes you a lot of worry.


      e.g. No-one should start working life with a debt round their neck...
      e.g. It's a legacy which will hang around the country's neck for some time to come.

12. 深深陷入,被卷入(麻烦、罪行等)
      If you say that someone is in some sort of trouble or criminal activity up to their neck, you mean that they are deeply involved in it.

      e.g. The black market was flourishing, everybody was corrupt, in it up to their necks...
      e.g. He is probably up to his neck in debt.

13. 地段;附近地区
      Someone or something that is from your neck of the woods is from the same part of the country as you are.

      e.g. It's so good to see you. What brings you to this neck of the woods?

14. to have a millstone round your neck -> see millstone
      the scruff of your neck -> see scruff

neck 单语例句

1. It hung well below the knees and buttoned up to the neck.

2. Her new short do uncovered a tattoo running down the back of her neck, which has been hidden for years by her hair extensions.

3. They are protected by leather overalls and a neck pad that prevents whiplash.

4. One showed a naked man on a concrete cellblock floor, his neck in a leash held by a female American GI.

5. A police spokesman said the horse picked the boy up by the neck with its teeth and threw him into the air several meters.

6. The study found that female perceptions of good dance quality were influenced most greatly by large and varied movements involving the neck and trunk.

7. There were a good few seconds when I struggled to breathe, floating neck deep in 3 C water.

8. Pat the duck back into shape and use toothpicks or bamboo skewers to seal the neck opening and the bottom cavity.

9. Some mornings her neck is in such acute pain she is barely able to lift her head.

10. But the other symptoms of cerebral palsy were very much evident, such as constant drooling and an inability to hold his neck erect.

neck 英英释义


1. an opening in a garment for the neck of the wearer
    a part of the garment near the wearer's neck

    Synonym: neck opening

2. a narrow part of an artifact that resembles a neck in position or form

    e.g. the banjo had a long neck
           the bottle had a wide neck

3. the part of an organism (human or animal) that connects the head to the rest of the body

    e.g. he admired her long graceful neck
           the horse won by a neck

    Synonym: cervix

4. a cut of meat from the neck of an animal

5. a narrow elongated projecting strip of land


1. kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion

    e.g. The couple were necking in the back seat of the car

    Synonym: make out

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