
negotiations是什么意思 negotiations在线翻译 negotiations什么意思 negotiations的意思 negotiations的翻译 negotiations的解释 negotiations的发音

negotiations [nɪɡəʊʃ'ɪeɪʃnz]  [nɪɡoʊʃ'ɪeɪʃnz] 


negotiations 基本解释

谈判;协商( negotiation的名词复数 );完成;通过;

negotiations 网络解释

1. 谈判:我们编写此书的目的是为了给采用本书的兄弟院校教师提供参考,但不希望因此限制使用者创造性的教学实践,本书也可...本教材分为社交(socializing)、电话(telephoning)、演讲(presentations)、会议(meeting)、谈判(negotiations)和求职(emplo

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 協商:在国外穿梭期间,曾因公务需求参加国际性之会议、简报以及会商多次,深感国人对于商界中极为重要之会议(meeting)、简报(presentation)以及协商(negotiations)等常见沟通规范及术语相当陌生,更遑论其中之技巧了.

3. 第七部分:谈判:解决问题的能力 Problem solving | 第七部分:谈判 Negotiations | 讨价还价 Bargaining

4. negotiations是什么意思

4. 业务谈判:26.Presenting Products产品介绍 | 27.Negotiations业务谈判 | 28.Company Strategy公司谋略

negotiations 单语例句

1. The companies struggled to make headway on negotiations under Bartz, who failed to reach an agreement to let Alibaba Group buy back shares in 2010.

2. By and large, how the average American's interests could be protected became the focus of all negotiations.

3. He emphasized the importance of open minded negotiations over the dispute, saying " nothing will be born if we only act on the basis of principles ".

4. Local tribal elders and clerics from Qarabagh district where the Koreans were taken have been conducting negotiations by telephone with the captors for several days.

5. " Negotiations are under way and we are still hopeful they will succeed, " he said by telephone from an undisclosed location.

6. Palestinians oppose all settlements built on territories they claim for a future state, and renewed building could endanger negotiations launched early this month by the Obama administration.

7. The European Council is also expected to call for accession negotiations with Croatia to be concluded by the end of June.

8. " Israel welcomes the Quartet call for direct negotiations between the parties without preconditions, " said the statement issued by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Office.

9. Labor leader Shimon Peres said Sharon called him early Friday to invite his party into coalition negotiations.

10. China yesterday called for early resumption of negotiations on Iran's nuclear program in a bid to promote " comprehensive and peaceful " resolution of the issue.

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