
news是什么意思 news在线翻译 news什么意思 news的意思 news的翻译 news的解释 news的发音 news的同义词 news的反义词 news的例句 news的相关词组

news [nju:z]  [nu:z] 

news 基本解释

名词新闻; 消息; (可当作新闻内容的)人; 物

news 相关例句


1. The news is at eight.

2. We listen to the news on the radio.

3. A few days later he told me an exciting piece of news.

4. I have had no news from him for a long time.

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5. It was good news.

news 情景对话


A:Have you heard the news about Michael?


B:No, David, what happened?


A:Well, I heard that he was arrested.

B:What? Arrested? For what?


A:Apparently, he got in a fight at a bar.

B:I don’t believe it! He wouldn’t hurt a fly!

A:I agree with you. He’s usually so calm.

B:Maybe he was just trying to be a good Samaritan.

A:That’s possible. I can’t picture him trying to start a fight with someone.


B:Now that I think about it, though, I do remember him being a bit aggressive once.

A:Maybe he’s one of those people whose personality changes a lot when he drinks.

B:Does he often drink?

A:No, in fact I’ve only seen him drink once… and that was when I saw him behaving oddly.

B:Some people are not what they seem.

A:However, in all fairness, we shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

B:You’re right. We don’t even know if he was actually arrested or not?


A:Shall we call him?

B:Ok, let me just get my phone… “Hello, Michael? It’s Samantha… I’m fine. Are you alright?... Your brother was mugged?...”



A:I’ve got good news for you!

B:Yes, what is it?

A:I’m going to set you up on a blind date!

B:Oh, I don’t know about that. Blind dates can be awful.


A:Have you ever been on one?


A:Well, then, why don’t you just give it a try?


B:Ok, what does she look like?

A:Well, she’s got a lovely figure.


B:Is she overweight?

A:No, she’s actually quite slim. She has curly brown hair and green eyes..

B:What did you tell her about me?


A:I told her that you were tall and well-built.

B:Did you tell her that I’m bald?

A:No, but she won’t care. Some women find bald men attractive, you know.

B:Hmm, she sounds alright.


A:Just one thing. When you meet her, I think you should try to look a little less scruffy. Maybe you could shave your beard and put on a nice suit.

B:No, I think I’ll go looking like myself. If she doesn’t like who I am, then she’s not the right woman for me!


A:Suit yourself! Here’s her number.

news 网络解释

1. 论坛:内使用.网路论坛 (News) 目前本校的网路论坛伺服器为: news.kmu.edu.tw 注: news.kmu.edu.tw 目前仅提供校内使用.电子布告栏 (BBS) 目前本校的电子布告栏伺服器为: bbs.kmu.edu.tw 提供有文字介面 -- 请用 telnet (如 NetTerm 等程式),

2. news:never ending wonderful story; 偶的一点小感动

3. news:network error warning system; 网络错误警告系统

4. news:network extensible window system; 网络可扩充窗口系统

5. news:netware early warning system; “网器” 预警系统

news 词典解释

1. 新闻;消息
    News is information about a recently changed situation or a recent event.


    e.g. We waited and waited for news of him...
    e.g. They still haven't had any news about when they'll be able to go home...

2. 新闻广播;新闻报道
    News is information that is published in newspapers and broadcast on radio and television about recent events in the country or world or in a particular area of activity.

    e.g. Foreign News is on Page 16...
    e.g. We'll also have the latest sports news...

3. 电视新闻;广播新闻
    The news is a television or radio broadcast which consists of information about recent events in the country or the world.

    e.g. I heard all about the bombs on the news.
    e.g. ...the six o'clock news.

4. (用于报纸名)新闻
    News is sometimes used in the names of newspapers.


    e.g. ...the New York Daily News.

5. 新闻人物;新闻事件
    If you say that someone or something is news, you mean that they are considered to be interesting and important at the moment, and that people want to hear about them on the radio and television and in newspapers.

    e.g. A murder was big news...
    e.g. If you are a celebrity, you are headline news.

Note that, although news looks like a plural, it is often in fact an uncount noun. Good news is always worth waiting for. You cannot say 'a news', but you can say a piece of news when you are referring to a particular fact or message. One of my Dutch colleagues told me a very exciting piece of news. When you are talking about television and radio news, or about newspapers, you can refer to an individual story or report as a news item.
注意,虽然 news 看起来是复数名词,但事实上经常是不可数名词,如 Good news is always worth waiting for (好消息永远值得等待)。不能说 a news;但当指某一特定事实或消息时,可以说 a piece of news,如 One of my Dutch colleagues told me a very exciting piece of news (一位荷兰同事告诉了我一个特别令人兴奋的消息)。当谈论电视和广播新闻或报纸新闻时,可以把单独的故事或报道叫做 news item。

6. 坏事/好事
    If you say that something is bad news, you mean that it will cause you trouble or problems. If you say that something is good news, you mean that it will be useful or helpful to you.

    e.g. The drop in travel is bad news for the airline industry...
    e.g. This new attitude is good news to AIDS activists.

7. 对(某人)来说是新闻
    If you say that something is news to you, you mean that you did not previously know what you have just been told, especially when you are surprised or annoyed about it.

    e.g. I'd certainly tell you if I knew anything, but I don't. What you're saying is news to me.

news 单语例句


1. China Business News calls it the first mobile game tailored for consumer products in China.

2. Police would not comment on the information the man provided to the West Business News.

3. China Business News reported yesterday that Barclays Plc Chairman Marcus Agius said the bank hopes to become an investment manager for CIC.

4. Liu's remarks were in response to a China Business News report on Saturday.

5. The China Business News report said a difference in patterns of cooperation also plays a role.

6. And that can only be good news for Sarah who admits that spaghetti bolognese with lashings of butter and parmesan cheese is her favourite food.

7. It condemned the act of fabricating news following a government announcement that the report on buns stuffed with cardboard aired on Beijing TV was fake.

8. If the newspaper only had good news, nobody would buy it and I'd be out of a job.

9. Copper prices fell steeply on the London Metal Exchange because of news that China's State Reserves Bureau had suspended a copper buying program.

10. Many smaller stocks continued to draw active buying in response to news and speculation.

news 英英释义



1. the quality of being sufficiently interesting to be reported in news bulletins

    e.g. the judge conceded the newsworthiness of the trial
           he is no longer news in the fashion world

    Synonym: newsworthiness

2. a program devoted to current events, often using interviews and commentary

    e.g. we watch the 7 o'clock news every night

    Synonym: news programnews show

3. information about recent and important events

    e.g. they awaited news of the outcome

    Synonym: intelligencetidingsword

4. informal information of any kind that is not previously known to someone

    e.g. it was news to me

5. information reported in a newspaper or news magazine

    e.g. the news of my death was greatly exaggerated

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