
nightfall是什么意思 nightfall在线翻译 nightfall什么意思 nightfall的意思 nightfall的翻译 nightfall的解释 nightfall的发音 nightfall的同义词

nightfall [ˈnaɪtfɔ:l]  [ˈnaɪtˌfɔl] 

nightfall 基本解释

名词黄昏,傍晚; 曛


nightfall 相关例句


1. The young couple are often seen walking along the beach at nightfall.

2. They knocked off at nightfall.

nightfall 网络解释

1. 黄昏:<<激战>>总共有四个章节,前面三个都是独立的,它们分别是<<黄昏>>(Nightfall),<<派系>>(Factions)和<<预言>>(Prophecies),玩家可以单独选择任何一章. 相对来看,而<<北方之眼>>就绝然不同了,它有很多新鲜内容值得大家去探索和享受.

2. 夜幕低垂:原文就已经是颇富启发人文思考的的作品,加上译笔不俗,光是看那几个太阳的中译名就是一场乐事,使这本作品成为个人认为是近几年来绝佳的科幻译作. :>天下这一系列,个人是觉得夜幕低垂(Nightfall)是最荡气回肠的

3. 黑夜降临:天赋: 当你再次施放同样的法术(腐化,吸取生命)的时候,黑夜降临(Nightfall)的几率会消失. . 天赋: 火焰碎屑(Pyroclasm)的实际击昏机率比应有数值低得多. . 天赋: 暗影掌握(Shadow Mastery)对痛苦诅咒(Curse of Agony)没有影响. .

4. nightfall

4. 日暮:阿西莫夫笔下产出不少短篇小说,其中<<日暮>>(Nightfall)曾获美国科幻作家协会中票选为1964年前的最佳短篇小说. 作为一名科学工作者,阿西莫夫不仅创作科幻小说,同时也写作科普作品,

nightfall 词典解释

1. 黄昏;傍晚;日暮
    Nightfall is the time of day when it starts to get dark.


    e.g. I need to get to Lyon by nightfall...
    e.g. I started work at dawn and returned only at nightfall.

nightfall 单语例句


1. Search operations were called off after nightfall for the unknown number of passengers still missing.

2. In contrast to the derelict buildings standing on both sides of the narrow alleyways, the place is full of colour and life from morning to nightfall.

3. A spokesman for the ministry could not give details about the injuries and told AFP that a search for the assailants was hampered by nightfall.

4. In the beautiful morning and nightfall dusk, lovers can walk hand in hand over the bridge.

5. Fearing Hou would ignite the explosives, Zheng's superior decided to shoot the man if the standoff were not resolved by nightfall.

6. Hospital officials said five gunmen were killed there and scores wounded by air strikes and ground fire since nightfall Thursday.

7. Classes in his remote village in Pingwu county ran until long after nightfall had inked out the surrounding mountains.

8. The clashes died down by nightfall and renegade troops said they had beaten off an attack by the army.

9. Firefighters had fully contained the three major fires in Los Angeles County by nightfall, and largely contained many of the fires north of San Diego.

10. Palestinian militants on Sunday fired two rockets from Gaza into Israel at nightfall Sunday, following the first Israeli airstrikes in Gaza in more than a month.

nightfall 英英释义


1. the time of day immediately following sunset

    e.g. he loved the twilight
           they finished before the fall of night

    Synonym: twilightduskgloaminggloamevenfallfallcrepusculecrepuscle

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