
normalizing是什么意思 normalizing在线翻译 normalizing什么意思 normalizing的意思 normalizing的翻译 normalizing的解释 normalizing的发音

normalizing ['nɔ:məlaɪzɪŋ]  ['nɔ:məlaɪzɪŋ] 


normalizing 基本解释


动词(尤指国家间的关系)(使)正常化,恢复友好状态( normalize的现在分词 )

normalizing 网络解释

1. 正火:82、正火 (normalizing) 将钢件加热到上临界点以上40-60℃或更高的温度,保温达到完全奥氏体化后,在空气中冷却的一种简便经济的热处理工艺. 俗称常化. 其主要目的是细化晶粒以改善钢的力学性能,并可作最终热处理用.

2. normalizing

2. 正常化:他把这三种因素称为正常化(normalizing)、指向性(pointing)和自主变化(antonomouschanges). 指向性的原因是什么?换句话说,为什么特别受到注意的图形特征在相继再现中如此经常地发生夸大现象?这一事实的确立是毋庸置疑的. G.E.缪勒(1913年,

3. 归一:到读完本书之时,你将不仅能够理解高效数据库设计和创建,还能像一个专家那样查询、归一(normalizing)和联接数据. 你将成为数据的真正主人. 为什么本书看起来如此不同?我们认为你的时间如此宝贵以至于不应该花费在为新概念伤脑筋上面.

4. 常化:他把这三种因素称为正常化(normalizing)、指向性(pointing)和自主变化(antonomouschanges). 指向性的原因是什么?换句话说,为什么特别受到注意的图形特征在相继再现中如此经常地发生夸大现象?这一事实的确立是毋庸置疑的. G.E.缪勒(1913年,

normalizing 单语例句

1. The risks of inflation and the need to manage inflation expectations strengthen the case for normalizing the monetary stance.

2. The Kremlin has been eager to show the situation in Chechnya as normalizing, lauding a March referendum and October presidential elections as concrete steps to peace.

3. Admittedly, some of the major currency's movements during the past year can be regarded as normalizing.

4. The visit starts the process of normalizing relations between the two countries.

5. Other measures of stress show signs that the banking industry is normalizing as the global economy emerges from the deepest recession since World War II.

6. Sarkozy visited Libya in 2006 as interior minister but the jailed medics were an obstacle to normalizing relations.

7. Hill said he and Kim have a tentative agreement to meet in late August to discuss the possibility of normalizing relations between their countries.

8. Hamel said the US would evaluate EU progress toward normalizing trade over the coming months, without setting a deadline for WTO compliance.

9. Negotiators from Tokyo and Pyongyang met for the third straight day in Beijing yesterday, to discuss specific details on normalizing diplomatic ties.

10. It has prompted speculation that the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice could visit Pyongyang next year as part of moves toward normalizing diplomatic relations.

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