
northeast是什么意思 northeast在线翻译 northeast什么意思 northeast的意思 northeast的翻译 northeast的解释 northeast的发音 northeast的同义词

northeast ['nɔ:θ'i:st]  [nɔrθˈist, nɔrˈist] 

northeast 基本解释

名词东北部; 东北,东北方向

形容词东北部的; 在东北的; 向东北的; (风、光线)来自东北方向的


northeast 同义词


northeast 反义词


northeast 相关例句


1. northeast是什么意思

1. At this point the road turns northeast.


1. The wind blows from the northeast.

northeast 网络解释

1. 东北:州政府规划在Caboolture河南岸建设一个占地面积达760公顷的东北(Northeast)商务园区,内设综合商务区、轻工业区、居民住宅小区和配套娱乐设施等. 一、了解掌握相关法律法规. 澳大利亚由6个州和2个领地组成,实行联邦制,

2. 东北(部):西部(West),中部(Central),南部(South)和东北部(Northeast). 这个区域在日常活动上是没影响的,但是在派遣国内外大露营代表团,办木章科程时就会有影响. 1. BSA在50年代取消罗浮童军运动,在官方记录里没有很好的记载.

3. 西北:[财经新闻组综合25日电]据美联社与路透报导,达美(Delta)以及西北(Northeast)航空公司的股东25日分别批准了合并提议,使这两家航空业者向成立全球业界龙头又迈进了一大步.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 东北;东北部:丢失的 lost | 东北;东北部 northeast | 东方(的) east

northeast 单语例句

1. Japan accused Chinese agent provocateurs of the act and used it as the pretext for the invasion of Northeast China.

2. It is gratifying to see that Northeast China's Liaoning Province recently carried out an employment relief act to help completely unemployed families.

3. Rock'n'roll band Second Hand Rose stages rock music influenced by the folk style of dongbei or Northeast China.

4. The first to pass Tiananmen Square were the navy formed by personnel chosen from the northeast navy college and East China navy fleet.

5. Cai suggested more hinterland reserve bases should be built in central and northeast China's oil fields so as to prevent earthquakes and fires.

6. HARBIN - A cautious calmness prevails in four counties of Northeast China's Heilongjiang province, where the first traces of radioactive iodine were detected on Saturday.

7. There was an eerie calmness following the revelations about the poisoning of the Songhua River, a major water resource in Northeast China.

8. Fierce overnight snowstorms caused commuting chaos in Northeast China on Monday, leading to the cancellation of hundreds of flights and the closing of schools.

9. Ding Tai Fung makes it with glutinous rice from Northeast China, and candied and glace fruits from Taiwan.

10. The US can start a war in the Middle East but it cannot afford to fight in Northeast Asia.

northeast 英英释义


1. a location in the northeastern part of a country, region, or city

2. the compass point midway between north and east
    at 45 degrees

    Synonym: nor'-eastnortheastwardNE

3. the direction corresponding to the northeastward compass point


1. situated in or oriented toward the northeast

    e.g. the northeasterly part of the island

    Synonym: northeasternnortheasterly

2. coming from the northeast

    e.g. northeasterly winds

    Synonym: northeasterly


1. to, toward, or in the northeast

    Synonym: north-eastnor'-east

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