
nose heavy是什么意思 nose heavy在线翻译 nose heavy什么意思 nose heavy的意思 nose heavy的翻译 nose heavy的解释 nose heavy的发音 nose heavy的同义词

nose heavy

nose heavy 双语例句

1. nose heavy什么意思

1. It is never so prominent or heavy as to crowd the facial features, obscure more than a small portion of the eyes, or fall forward over any portion of the nose leather.

2. nose heavy的近义词

2. I in 2002 due to heavy winter flu lead to rhinitis, taking Biyankang, Huo bile pills, helicase element mixture rhinitis, intranasal net, losers of penicillin, but also drink bubble astragaloside water, as long as it is a western medicine, Chinese medicine drip turns to March 2003 only get better, but it is also a stuffy nose, the intention to have children in May this year, and evidently the point of death, I would like to ask the expert, if I well rhinitis the latter can be followed to children?

3. Despite this, I suffered several hours of unconsciousness or semiconsciousness, an inability to control my body, and heavy bleeding from my nose and throat.

4. nose heavy在线翻译

4. The heavy drinker has a nose to light candles at Appreciation is the magic cure for jealousy. If you feel happy for the person who has found happiness, your will be infected with his happiness.

5. nose heavy的翻译

5. You'll probably use needle-nose pliers most often, but heavy grooved pliers and wire cutting pliers will come in handy at times too.

6. The silly fellow bought a very big car and then found the running cost were too heavy for him. really, he can't see further than his nose.

7. Result] The syndrome of phlegm heat blocking lung is featured with fever, heavy cough, much sputum, red tongue, yellow greasy moss, slippery and quick pulse/purple and stagnant finger mark; the syndrome of wind heat with fever, heavy cough, snuffle and runny nose, red tongue, thin and yellow moss, shallow and quick pulse/ purple and shallow finger mark; qi deficiency of lung and spleen with impotent cough, much sputum, pale face, light tongue, white and greasy moss, thin pulse/light red or stagnant finger mark.

8. nose heavy

8. Although I recorded the programme, I didn`t listen. Thought not very clear, I could hear that the voice from the radio was mine, umm… my nasal sound was rather heavy, like a runny nose (can`t understand my voice is like that whenever it gets into microphone.), it seemed as if I were an old eunuch.

9. nose heavy是什么意思

9. In heavy concentrations, ozone is irritating to the eyes, nose and throat.

10. He broke the nose of a fellow named Rooster MacBride, a heavy-gutted farmer who was in for beating his stepdaughter to death.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. The position of conjunctivochalasis is inclined nose, center and inclined temple of lower eyeball in order to influence for epiphora from heavy to lightly.

12. My nose is blocked up because of a heavy cold.

13. nose heavy的翻译

13. I caught John on the nose with a heavy blow.

14. A bit heavy on the nose he thought and not much good in his diet.

15. Year old of Baima fruit happy living buddha to respect authority, but studied fills the majority of Buddha language to record, observed for three years in the nose, 18 year-old start for the Mila hot Pakistan's special commissioner, the fifth metempsychosis, started in that hundred taught the sodium bountiful six Buddha's Buddhist literature passed, 21 years old started, paid a return visit to go to Lhasa, alone took Wan Lilu, three year and six month several days, I in was master in the long journey for the vicissitudes, he in these three years saw and carried a heavy load the patient to many disabled people, in forThey read the Confucian classics, Is also delivering passes through, finally the good patient have been many.

16. nose heavy的解释

16. Yet such conclusions have come under heavy scrutiny since the Chinese economy nose-dived last autumn with the deepening of the global crisis.

nose heavy 单语例句

1. A woman covers her nose when walking through dense fog caused by heavy pollution in Beijing on Tuesday.

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