
notebook computer是什么意思 notebook computer在线翻译 notebook computer什么意思 notebook computer的意思 notebook computer的翻译 notebook computer的解释

notebook computer [ˈnəutbuk kəmˈpju:tə]  [ˈnotˌbʊk kəmˈpjutɚ] 

notebook computer 基本解释

笔记型电脑; 笔记本型电脑,笔记本式计算机

notebook computer 情景对话


A:May I see your passport, please?

notebook computer

B:Yes. Here you are.

A:Are you traveling on business or for pleasure?

notebook computer什么意思

B:I'm going to visit my older sister in New York.

notebook computer是什么意思

A:How long will you stay?

notebook computer的近义词

B:For several months.

A:Do you have anything to declare? Jewelry or cash?

B:No, I haven't. The only things I brought were my own clothes, my notebook computer and some gifts for mysister.

A:I'm sorry. I'm afraid I'll have to check these, too. Did you bring any fruits, vegetables, fresh meats orplants into this country?

B:Oh, would you kindly allow me to bring in the civet durian? It is the favorite of my sister.

A:Sorry, rotten fruit is not allowed.

B:But it is NOT rotten. It naturally has the special flavor.


A:Well, perhaps. But perishables are also not allowed.

B:Oh, my poor sister!

notebook computer 网络解释

1. 笔记本电脑:第三,做记者还有一个好处,就是也可以随时随地上网(hook up to the internet),因为人手一台笔记本电脑(notebook computer),可以把信息以最快的速度传播出去.

2. 筆記型電腦:显示介面的技术在建构笔记型电脑(Notebook Computer)上是很重要技术之一,直接关系到笔记型电脑的功率消耗、体积、重量和显示效果等关键特性. 在当今笔记型电脑的显示技术中,LVDS几乎已经成为产业的泛标准,是实际案例之最佳佐证(图3、图4).

3. 笔记本计算机:笔记本计算机(Notebook Computer)是移动式计算机的典型代表. 它具有结构紧凑、小巧轻便、容易携带的优点. 同时,它也是高级多媒体计算机的一个种类,完美的功能并不亚于常规台式个人计算机. 它集中地采用了光、电、图、声等各个领域的最新科技成果,

4. notebook computer的反义词

4. 笔 记 簿 型 电 脑:notebook 笔记型计算机 | notebook computer 笔 记 簿 型 电 脑 | notepad 便笺

notebook computer 单语例句

1. Netbook - a portmanteau word formed from Internet and notebook - describes a small, relatively cheap laptop computer designed for wireless communication and web access.

2. As more of what we do moves online, why not design a simple notebook computer that's intended primarily to get us there?

3. Shih said second quarter sales growth for the local notebook computer sector is expected to fall short of the previous forecast of around 10 percent.

4. Finally, it dawned on me that a notebook computer is like a pet hamster.

5. Acer Incorporated expects a tough battle to hang on to its newly established claim to global leadership in notebook computer sales.

6. The agreement states that the deal will include IBM's PC desktop and notebook computer lines.

7. A tablet PC is a notebook computer with a touchscreen, allowing users to operate their computers with a stylus instead of a keyboard and mouse.

8. While AMD's market share in the consumer computer processor segment increased to 43 percent, its share in the notebook market almost doubled in the period.

9. He ordered a notebook computer and invited five other crooks to his house to rob the man as he made the delivery.

10. A woman collects her notebook computer from an HP repair shop in Zhongguancun.

notebook computer 英英释义


1. a small compact portable computer

    Synonym: notebook

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