
nuclear reactor是什么意思 nuclear reactor在线翻译 nuclear reactor什么意思 nuclear reactor的意思 nuclear reactor的翻译 nuclear reactor的解释

nuclear reactor [ˈnju:kliə ri:ˈæktə]  [ˈnukliɚ riˈæktɚ] 

nuclear reactor是什么意思
第三人称复数:nuclear reactors

nuclear reactor 基本解释


nuclear reactor 网络解释

1. 核反应堆:5.核反应堆(nuclear reactor)又称为原子反应堆或反应堆,是装配了核燃料以实现大规模可控制裂变链式反应的装置. 根据用途,核反应堆可以分为以下几种类型:①将中子束用于实验或利用中子束的核反应,包括研究堆、材料实验等. ②生产放射性同位素的核反应堆.

2. 反应堆:表面电荷. 结果在两种金属或两种半导体间就发生了接触电位差. ...containment抑制扩散...1.防止放射性物质从核反应堆(nuclear reactor)泄漏.

3. nuclear reactor的意思

3. 核子反應器:此复核并不稳定,而继续分裂成两个或以上之原子核,同时并放射出数个中子;这些中子又被其他原子核所吸收,如若具有足够之原子则可能发展形成链锁反应(chain reaction),此链锁反应即构成核子反应器(nuclear reactor)运转之基础.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 核反应器:核反應產率 nuclear reactions yield | 核反應器 nuclear reactor | 核反應器冷卻劑系統 nuclear reactor collant system

nuclear reactor 词典解释

1. 核反应堆
    A nuclear reactor is a machine which is used to produce nuclear energy or the place where this machine and other related machinery and equipment is kept.

    e.g. They shut down the nuclear reactor for safety reasons.

nuclear reactor 单语例句

nuclear reactor的意思

1. That method was used to seal huge leakages from the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, the world's worst nuclear reactor disaster.

2. It became China's first nuclear reactor when it began commercial operation in 1991 and has operated with an impeccable safety record since.

3. A possible concern may be over the first reactor China has ever built at the Qinshan Nuclear Power Station.

4. All six of the nuclear complex's reactor units saw trouble after the disasters knocked out cooling systems.

5. The Fukushima Nuclear Plant has only one cooling system, which makes use of reactor heat to raise steam directly for power generation.

6. It also destroyed a symbolic cooling tower at its main nuclear reactor in a move to demonstrate its commitment to disarmament.

7. The DPRK demolished the nuclear reactor of its cooling tower in Yongbyon in June and handed over its nuclear declaration to China.

8. It began loading on October 18 and has since loaded 86 sets of nuclear fuel assembly into the reactor core.

9. SANMEN - China began excavation for the foundations of the world's most advanced nuclear reactor in Sanmen City in the eastern Zhejiang Province on Tuesday.

10. Tasks for the six parties after the deadline involve disabling the shut reactor and require North Korea to report other nuclear activities.

nuclear reactor 英英释义



1. (physics) any of several kinds of apparatus that maintain and control a nuclear reaction for the production of energy or artificial elements

    Synonym: reactor

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