
offside是什么意思 offside在线翻译 offside什么意思 offside的意思 offside的翻译 offside的解释 offside的发音 offside的同义词 offside的反义词

offside [ˌɒfˈsaɪd]  [ˌɔ:fˈsaɪd] 

offside 基本解释



offside 反义词


offside 网络解释

1. 越位女球迷:约化巴纳希是伊朗强硬派当权人士的批评者,曾执导<<越位女球迷>>(Offside)及<<七女性>>(The Circle)等电影,虽获国际殊荣,但他的电影过去十年一直被当局禁止在伊朗公映.

2. 执教造越位能力,无关反越位:Motivating:激励球员; | Offside:执教造越位能力,无关反越位; | Patience:老板耐心,解雇manage的倾向;

3. 对侧:offshore-fishing boat 近海渔船 | offside 对侧 | offtake 除去

offside 词典解释

1. (足球、曲棍球等比赛中)越位的
    In games such as football or hockey, when an attacking player is offside, they have broken the rules by being nearer to the goal than a defending player when the ball is passed to them.

    e.g. The goal was disallowed because Wark was offside.

2. (美式橄榄球中)越位的
    In American football, a player is offside if they cross the line of scrimmage before a play begins.


3. (车辆在靠左交通中的)右侧,外侧,远离路边的一侧
    The offside of a vehicle is the side that is farthest from the edge of the road when the vehicle is being driven normally.

    e.g. The driver of the car lowered his offside front window.

offside 单语例句

1. Milan had the ball in the net early in the second half but veteran Dutch midfielder Clarence Seedorf's effort was rightly ruled out for offside.

2. Their clearest chance came after 52 minutes when midfielder Clarence Seedorf had a goal harshly disallowed for offside.

3. Tevez was clearly offside when he headed in a chipped pass from Lionel Messi in the eighth minute at Soccer City.

4. He should have added a third, but his last goal in closing time was declared offside.

5. Del Piero beat the offside trap before cooly slotting home his second and another through ball from Trezeguet allowed him to fire home his third.

6. China doubled its lead seven minutes later as Bai beat the offside trap and calmly lifted the ball over the advancing Korean keeper.

7. They then had a goal ruled out for offside after defender Pablo Ibanez bounced a header over keeper Lui Yunfei.

8. The guideline should mean the end of a player not directly involved in a move being flagged for offside.

9. Scolari was furious that Robin van Persie wasn't given offside when he ran clear to score Arsenal's equalizer at Stamford Bridge.

10. Ronaldo came close moments later before England striker Owen had a seemingly good goal disallowed after a late offside flag in the ninth minute.

offside 英英释义


1. (sport) the mistake of occupying an illegal position on the playing field (in football, soccer, ice hockey, field hockey, etc.)


1. illegally beyond a prescribed line or area or ahead of the ball or puck

    e.g. the touchdown was nullified because the left tackle was offside

    Synonym: offsides


1. illegally in advance of the ball or puck

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