
often是什么意思 often在线翻译 often什么意思 often的意思 often的翻译 often的解释 often的发音 often的同义词 often的反义词 often的例句

often [ˈɒfn]  [ˈɔ:fn] 

比较级:more often最高级:most often

often 基本解释

副词经常; 常常; 时常; 再三

often 同义词


often 反义词


often 相关词组

1. as often as : 每当;

2. every so often : 不时;

3. often and often : 经常;

often 相关例句


1. Children often dislike homework.

2. He is often late for class.

3. Man is often taller than woman.

4. often的近义词

4. How often does the train run?

5. often的意思

5. How often do you go there?

often 情景对话



A:Where did you go yesterday?

B:I went to play tennis in the public park.

A:How often do you play tennis?


B:Twice a week. How about you?

A:I seldom play tennis. I prefer football and basketball.

B:But it is very difficult to gather a team of players together.

A:I usually play with my schoolmates.

B:Do you like watching football matches?

A:Yes, I went to the Tian He Sports Center for the football match last Sunday.

B:Oh, I watched it on television. It was an exciting match.



A:What are your weekend arrangements?


B:There’re many things I can do on weekends.


A:What sort of things are you interested in?

B:I’m keen on taking short trips to nearby scenic spots. More often than not, I go with some of my friends. By the way, what are your favorites?

A:I love swimming and cycling. On Sunday morning I have swimming practice for an hour. In the afternoon, I just ride my bike around the city or along the country roads for almost two hours.

B:That’s great! I think they do you a lot of good. Where do you swim?


A:Mostly in the city’s swimming pool. But on occasion, I go to the beach with friends. Well, what do you do at leisure?


B:I’m fond of dancing.

A:Good. You really know how to enjoy yourself.


B:Thanks. And you, too, I think.


A:Have you heard the news about Michael?

B:No, David, what happened?

A:Well, I heard that he was arrested.


B:What? Arrested? For what?

A:Apparently, he got in a fight at a bar.


B:I don’t believe it! He wouldn’t hurt a fly!

A:I agree with you. He’s usually so calm.


B:Maybe he was just trying to be a good Samaritan.

A:That’s possible. I can’t picture him trying to start a fight with someone.

B:Now that I think about it, though, I do remember him being a bit aggressive once.

A:Maybe he’s one of those people whose personality changes a lot when he drinks.


B:Does he often drink?

A:No, in fact I’ve only seen him drink once… and that was when I saw him behaving oddly.

B:Some people are not what they seem.

A:However, in all fairness, we shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

B:You’re right. We don’t even know if he was actually arrested or not?


A:Shall we call him?


B:Ok, let me just get my phone… “Hello, Michael? It’s Samantha… I’m fine. Are you alright?... Your brother was mugged?...”

often 网络解释

1. 常常:这块石头躺在厨房边上,女佣人常常(often)把洗过的炊具放在上面晾晒,孩子们也常在上面玩耍. 其实,那是一个古老的墓碑. 于是,一家人又谈论起别的事情来. 只有这家最小的一个孩子--他长着一双炯炯有神但有些严肃的大眼睛--爬到了窗帘后面的一把椅子(chair)上,

2. often:oft; 常常,再三

often 词典解释

Often is usually used before the verb, but it may be used after the verb when it has a word like ‘less’ or ‘more’ before it, or when the clause is negative.

1. 常常;经常
    If something often happens, it happens many times or much of the time.

    e.g. They often spent Christmas at Prescott Hill...
    e.g. Early American weathervanes were most often cut from flat wooden boards...

2. (用于询问或说明某事发生的频率)(多)常
    You use how often to ask questions about frequency. You also use often in reported clauses and other statements to give information about the frequency of something.

    e.g. How often do you brush your teeth?...
    e.g. I don't know how often I heard the same awful jokes...

You do not use often to talk about something that happens several times within a short period of time. You do not say, for example, 'I often phoned her yesterday'. You say 'I phoned her several times yesterday' or 'I kept phoning her yesterday'
指某事在短时间内数次发生时,不能用often。例如,不能说 I often phoned her yesterday, 只能说 I phoned her several times yesterday(我昨天给她打了好几次电话)或者 I kept phoning her yesterday(我昨天一直给她打电话)。

3. (有规律地)有时,偶尔
    If something happens every so often, it happens regularly, but with fairly long intervals between each occasion.

    e.g. She's going to come back every so often...
    e.g. Every so often he would turn and look at her.

4. 往往;多半;通常
    If you say that something happens as often as not, or more often than not, you mean that it happens fairly frequently, and that this can be considered as typical of the kind of situation you are talking about.

    e.g. Yet, as often as not, they find themselves the target of persecution rather than praise...
    e.g. Although sometimes I feel like bothering, as often as not I don't...

often 单语例句

1. Many Chinese business people often go to the " customs clearance companies " in Russia to cut costs and to improve efficiency.

2. " They often act under the guise of'direct sales'or'chain stores', " he said.

3. He believes management and business education in China has attempted to adopt US ideas but is often dragged down by traditional Chinese teaching methods.

4. And it should continue taking steps to encourage individual entrepreneurs in their business operations, as it is often such people who play an important role in creating jobs.

5. Wang Guangling saw this business opportunity thanks to his daughter, who would often pester him for new toys and throw away the broken ones.

6. Clothing was the commodity most often bought by the business elite, with more than a quarter of managers surveyed buying clothing more than once a month.

7. Meanwhile, business relations are often obstructed with unfavorable government policies and misconceptions.

8. Chinese parents see the sport as a gentleman's game that can help build character, as it is often associated with knighthood and nobility.

9. Beijing's theatres often present comedies in recent years so that audiences can escape the hustle and bustle of metropolitan life for a few hours.

10. These suburbs are often very busy during the holiday period when throngs of holiday makers from the cities descend on the beach.

often 英英释义



1. many times at short intervals

    e.g. we often met over a cup of coffee

    Synonym: frequentlyoftentimesoftofttimes

2. frequently or in great quantities

    e.g. I don't drink much
           I don't travel much

    Synonym: mucha great deal

3. in many cases or instances

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