
old friend是什么意思 old friend在线翻译 old friend什么意思 old friend的意思 old friend的翻译 old friend的解释 old friend的发音 old friend的同义词

old friend

old friend 双语例句

1. old friend什么意思

1. No matter a passingstranger or an old friend, your visit is a surprise and joyance.

2. old friend在线翻译

2. I was so happy to see my old school friend again.

3. old friend的近义词

3. Year-old, also is usually relatively quiet, as you outside of China I am a friend of the bar.

4. Then he discovered that an old friend of his was one of the jury at his trial.

5. She is an old friend of Otis Jackson's and is supporting his election campaign.

6. I want to search out an old school friend.

7. One should not live in memories, in regrets for the good old days, or in sadness about friend who are dead.

8. It was true: Herold's 14-year-old chimp, Travis, who had lived with her since the mid-'90s and become a kind of surrogate son to her — she fed him filet mignon and lobster tail and often cuddled with him in bed — had attacked Herold's friend Charla Nash.

9. I saw my old friend on Saturday afternoon.
    我 星期六下午看到了我的老朋友。

10. So I could kick back and catch up with my old friend...

11. old friend在线翻译

11. You know I admire you for not being afraid to stick your neck out for your old friend whos running for mayor.

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12. You are I No.1 old friend, you belong honest man, only go no chance.

13. I ran into an old friend of mine on the street this morning.

14. I want you to meet an old friend of mine, Clare.

15. When you go to London, look up an old friend of mine.

16. Two persons cannot be old friend if they cannot forgive each othere's little failings.

17. danci.911cha.com

17. I knocked into an old friend of mine in the park.

18. old friend的解释

18. Some grocer added a daughter newly, one day, the friend comes to act as a matchmaker of his little a lot of money, explain the other side compares the girl only big a year old, businessman and wife discuss this marriage under the counter, he says: The daughter is firm full one full year of life, and that boy already two years old, one times bigger than the daughter.

19. He mucked in with an old friend.

20. old friend的解释

20. I had a long rap session with an old friend yesterday.

old friend 单语例句

1. With love and trust, many Chinese like to " talk " to Deng as if confiding to an old friend.

2. A resident of Zhengzhou surnamed Jiang has proof that the old saying " A dog will never become the friend of a duck " is not true.

3. Now he has a routine of visiting " his " bird every morning and the egret welcomes him as it would an old friend.

4. The Israeli leader's aides held a grim vigil at the hospital and elder statesmen Shimon Peres said he was " very worried " about his old friend.

5. When catching up with an old China hand, our Australian friend Ray commented on the fact that he was " becoming Chinese ".

6. The Old Bailey court heard she screamed " fucking faggots " at the victim and his friend Philip Brown.

7. Yang's college friend killed himself in the traditional way, one of few who carry out the old ritual.

8. As he and his friend thought the work was just a few decades old, he paid a low price for it.

9. " Whoever says single is fabulous is a liar, " said an old friend.

10. China is an old friend of the African National Congress party of President Thabo Mbeki, which it supported while South Africa was under a racist white regime.

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