
orchestration是什么意思 orchestration在线翻译 orchestration什么意思 orchestration的意思 orchestration的翻译 orchestration的解释 orchestration的发音

orchestration [ˌɔ:kɪ'streɪʃn]  [ˌɔ:kɪ'streɪʃn] 


orchestration 基本解释


orchestration 网络解释

1. 配器法:在18世纪,配器法(orchestration)的主要意图,是制造优美的声音. 一般来说,音调较高的乐器演奏主旋律,而低音乐器则提供节拍性的伴奏,而中音乐器则担任和声的配合任务. 明显地,优秀的作曲家得以依据此格局,在提供一个坚实的基础下作出不同的变化.

2. orchestration的翻译

2. 编排:缺憾之三 : 编排 (Orchestration) 统一协调分布式软件组件以便构建有意义的业务流程是最复杂的,但它同时也最适合面向服务类型的集成,原因很显然,建立在SOA上面的应用软件可以被设计成可以按需要拆散、重新组装的服务.

3. 管弦乐法:莫札特的每一个音符都非常珍贵,也必须仔细思考-特别是管弦乐法(Orchestration),否则很难表达音乐的内涵. 在浪漫的乐章当中,并没有不可思议的音符数量,衬托吸引人的音乐背景. 但莫札特的音乐当中,每一项乐器都必须在适当的时机出现,

4. 配器學:指揮法 Conducting Method | 配器學 Orchestration | 應用音樂 Applied Music

orchestration 词典解释

1. 管弦乐改编曲;经改编而成的管弦乐曲
    An orchestration is a piece of music that has been rewritten so that it can be played by an orchestra.


    e.g. Mahler's own imaginative orchestration was heard in the same concert.

orchestration 单语例句

1. In 1968 his arrangement and orchestration of Andre Popp's " Love is Blue " brought him fame and topped the US hit parade.

2. She sang over Tibetan folk melodies mixed with ambient and classical orchestration.

3. The orchestration for Madame White Snake features both Western and traditional Chinese instruments.

4. The result borrows from Beijing opera while marrying Western orchestration with innovative and traditional Chinese instruments.

5. The musical crux of all the tunes sees Lo combining rock, pop and orchestration.

6. Reaching from Strauss and Mahler to Coltrane and Lennon, this book is a considerable feat of orchestration and arrangement.

orchestration 英英释义


1. the act of arranging a piece of music for an orchestra and assigning parts to the different musical instruments

    Synonym: instrumentation

2. an arrangement of events that attempts to achieve a maximum effect

    e.g. the skillful orchestration of his political campaign

3. an arrangement of a piece of music for performance by an orchestra or band

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