
oriental cherry是什么意思 oriental cherry在线翻译 oriental cherry什么意思 oriental cherry的意思 oriental cherry的翻译 oriental cherry的解释

oriental cherry

oriental cherry 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. For the main species Furong, white wax, Sophora japonica, cherry tree, Gaogannvzhen, Ziye Li, the 100-day red, Wu Jiaofeng, oriental arborvitae, black pine, magnolia, Long Zhuahuai, gingko and other green seedlings.

2. oriental cherry

2. The oriental cherry dance's season, could not forget the wound, could not forget years.

3. oriental cherry

3. Qiaomu categories: cherry, 2-6 cm, 2-5 cm Lagerstroemia Ligustrum seeds boxwood, red Flowerwood, Lagerstroemia, cherry, Prunus cerasifera, Purple leaf peach, red maple, red Baorui wood, ±, Ligustrum vicaryi, ê, Nandina domestica, etc.. 2, evergreen seedlings: cedar, Pinus, Pinus thunbergii, ±±èí, Shu-Gui, Xian cypress, Wanfeng cypress, cypress, oriental arborvitae, Sabina, Sabina, 1000 Parker, Cypress, flower hodginsii ball, Shu cypress ball, Euonymus, Buxus microphylla, Buxus microphylla, óê, Mahonia, Pittosporum, Photinia, France holly, palm, sisal, etc..

4. oriental cherry

4. Major product has: The pearl coloured, pearl red, sesame white bonus and tiger fur of oriental cherry are yellow, Lao mountain grey, stone island red, in vain numb, general white, Jing white jade, Lao mountain red, Jilin white and writing mount white and various stone materials.

5. oriental cherry的意思

5. Now five leng Guo vestiges take the park opening to the outside world, in here may understand that the Japanese Meiji only new times the history, simultaneously five leng Guo watches the oriental cherry the famous place.

6. oriental cherry的解释

6. The oriental cherry like snow falls gently down, I hear the sky soft hail snowbird's broken cry, in the broken whining noise, the snow and ice start to melt.

7. oriental cherry是什么意思

7. Falls the cherry slope is under an imaginary snow god mountain Holy Land, is covered with the white all over the mountains and plains the oriental cherry, will be never on the wane, I and released in there underwent the final test, became the most apex's imaginary technique teacher.

8. The first Oriental Cherry Admiring Party was hold in the 9th century. But at that time, it was just popular in nobles, the common people had no right to do such a thing.

9. oriental cherry的意思

9. He invited me to dance with him under the oriental cherry tree...

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. Systematic name Prunus serrulata English name Flowering the Cherry alias mountain oriental cherry, the lucky island prunus pseudocerasus, the blue skin prunus pseudocerasus branch is the rose family habitat Northern Hemisphere temperate zone, by China southwest mountainous area each kind richest, the cultivation oriental cherry is most famous by the Japanese flowering cherry.
    学名 Prunus serrulata 英文名 Flowering Cherry 别名山樱花、福岛樱、青肤樱科属蔷薇科产地北半球温带,以中国西南山区各类最为丰富,栽培的樱花以日本樱花最为著名。

11. From 794, oriental cherry becomes to play an important role in Japan.

12. Japanese poets have great affection for plum blossom and oriental cherry.

13. The oriental cherry is in full blossom.

14. oriental cherry

14. According to document, restful times has the account of indoor decoration oriental cherry.

15. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

15. The scent of plum woods of East Lake and oriental cherry garden on the way, the Botanic Garden appears particularly elegant. We come here on the Flower Fairy Festival.

16. The germfree young plant of Oriental Cherry were inoculated in medium which had NaH2PO4 and NAA so that promoted the growth of the young plant.

17. Because of this, the government holds an Oriental Cherry Festival every year.

18. In Japanese history, oriental cherry has been given different symbolic meanings by different people in different times.

19. oriental cherry

19. In the season of oriental cherry, from the bottom of my heart I played that the flowers in the wind would hear me and bring my love to you......

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