
our是什么意思 our在线翻译 our什么意思 our的意思 our的翻译 our的解释 our的发音 our的同义词 our的反义词 our的例句 our的相关词组

our [ɑ:(r)]  [aʊr] 

our 基本解释

代词我们的,we的所有格形式; <口>我们家; 敝

our 相关例句


1. our的近义词

1. This is our classroom.


1. Our country is rich in resources.

our 情景对话


A:Our schedules are so (weird/ strange/ peculiar.)


B:I know.


A:Happy anniversary! It’s our tenth anniversary.


B:Thanks for ten wonderful years.



A:It’s our tenth anniversary.


B:Happy anniversary! To our tenth anniversary!

our 网络解释

1. 摄氧率:虽然代谢副产物不会生成积蓄,但菌体消亡过快导致产酸期缩短、谷氨酸的最终浓度降低.同时,谷氨酸的生成方式与发酵过程中摄氧率(OUR)和CO2的释放率(CER)有着非常紧密的关联.作者利用代谢网络模型并结合使用线性规划优化法,

2. 我们:凡我们城邑中娶外邦女子为妻的,当按所定的日期,同著本城的长老和士师而来,直到办完这事,我们(our)神的烈怒就转离我们了. Let now our rulers of all the congregation stand,

3. 耗氧速率:杂交瘤细胞的限制性基质补料培养中遇到的一个问题是如何方便,精细地控制关键性底物的浓度,该文在一个10L的生物反应器中,研究了杂交瘤细胞C50在因清培养条件下生长和能量代谢的特性,结果表明,细胞能量代谢和生长密切相关,耗氧速率(OUR)能够及时,敏感地反

4. our:oxygen uptake rates; 耗氧速率

5. our:oxygen utilization ratio; 摄氧率

6. our:oxygen uptake rate; 氧吸收速率

our 词典解释

Our is the first person plural possessive determiner. our是第一人称复数所有格限定词。

1. 我们的
    You use our to indicate that something belongs or relates both to yourself and to one or more other people.


    e.g. We're expecting our first baby...
    e.g. I locked myself out of our apartment and had to break in...

2. (泛指)我们的,人们的
    A speaker or writer sometimes uses our to indicate that something belongs or relates to people in general.

    e.g. The quality of our life depends on keeping well...
    e.g. We are all entirely responsible for our actions, and for our reactions.

3. (与家庭成员的姓名连用)我家的
    Speakers sometimes use our with the name of a member of their family.

    e.g. Our Barry had a habit of doing that sort of thing.

our 单语例句

1. The way we've done that is not only through our own development but by developing business partnerships as well.

2. Our CSR implementation promotes our business development and helps us increase efficiency and enhance stakeholders'trust in us.

3. Our goal is to integrate our business across the 20 some breweries and implement global best practices to increase the efficiency of the operations.

4. " Acquiring ACS helps us expand our business and benefit from stronger revenue and earnings growth, " Xerox CEO Ursula Burns said in a statement.

5. " We believe honesty and credibility will sustain our business, " said the man.

6. " This just showed our consistency in business operation and growth, " said Sina CEO Wang Yan yesterday.

7. In business operations, we seek harmony in and out of our company to promote healthy and continual development.

8. Any business opportunity with those companies could be a great boost for our portfolio companies.

9. If you look at our organization design, it is mostly focused on servicing the export business.

10. As a responsible company, we abide by laws and regulations in China and our global code of business principles.

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