
overabundant是什么意思 overabundant在线翻译 overabundant什么意思 overabundant的意思 overabundant的翻译 overabundant的解释 overabundant的发音


overabundant 双语例句

1. Staphylococcus aureus, beta streptococcus, streptococcus pneumoniae, Branhamella catarrhlis and Escherichia coli have been isolated in the NGU group but not in the controls. Quantitatively, the number/ml of staphylococcus epidermidis, staphylococcus saprophyticus, micrococcus roseus, alpha streptococcus and the others was much more in the NGU specimens than in the controls (P<0.01, P<0.05).Overabundant breeding phenomenon of the aerobic microbials was believed to occur in NGU.

2. Some of the animals that take shelter in these spots are abundant, even overabundant others are rare, having been hunted to the brink of extinction or chivied out of their last natural redoubts by human pressures.

3. overabundant

3. Some of the animals that take shelter in these spots are abundant, even overabundant; others are rare, having been hunted to the brink of extinction or chivied out of their last natural redoubts by human pressures.
    在这些地点找寻庇护的动物,有些数量 8t t t8、甚至过多;有些则很稀有,正因人类的猎杀而处于灭绝边缘,或是因人类造成的压力而 8ttt8离开最后的自然堡垒。

4. While there was significant difference in overabundant phlegmatic dampness patients and patients with deficiency of qi and phlegm stagnancy (P < 0.05).

5. In recent years, Chinese foreign exchange reserve has been growing rapidly all along, hot it is deficient in drawing a conclusion that Chinese foreign exchange reserve is overabundant only from the point of view of economics.

6. Because of some historical reasons, the national banks have improper organization structure, overabundant branches and internal management levels.

7. The effect of Mn and Si contained on the notch sensitivity of an Fe-Ni base superalloy has been studied. It was shown that the overabundant contents of Mn and Si lead the alloy to notch sensitivity which can hardly be improved even by heat treatment.

8. For parents seeking productive ways to occupy their children's time, summer sports leagues offer a convenient and time-tested outlet for overabundant energy.

9. overabundant的翻译

9. In order to solve the problem completely, starts with 8020 terminal software to reduce the overabundant demand of the system for transmitting channel, thus Ningxia electric video meeting system won't be disturbed by green screen.

10. overabundant

10. Hypertension TCM syndrome type distribution according to the proportion in order is Phlegm stasis、Overabundant Liver-Fire syndrome、Yin Vacuity Due to Yang Hyperactivity and the other types. 3.

11. overabundant的近义词

11. Overabundant liver-fire type and type of asthenia of both yin and yang are main TCM syndromes of lipid metabolism disorder of hypertension accompanied by obesity.

12. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

12. And the body mass, body mass index, obesity degree and waistline in patients of overabundant liver-fire type and type of asthenia of both yin and yang were markedly higher than patients of type of excessive accumulation of phlegm-dampness (P < 0.05).

13. overabundant的近义词

13. The common chinese medicine syndrome types had: syndrome of phlegm-heat blocking internally, overabundant liver-fire syndrome, syndrome of hyperactivity of yang due to yin deficiency, deficiency of both qi and yin syndrome, phlegm-damp syndrome, deficiency of both yin and yang.

14. Hypertension TCM syndrome type distribution according to the proportion in order is Phlegm stasis 、 Overabundant Liver-Fire syndrome 、 Yin Vacuity Due to Yang Hyperactivity and the other types. 3.

overabundant 单语例句

1. The shortage of land and the overabundant manpower drove the farmers away from farming.

overabundant 英英释义



1. excessively abundant

    Synonym: plethoricrife

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