
packed tight是什么意思 packed tight在线翻译 packed tight什么意思 packed tight的意思 packed tight的翻译 packed tight的解释 packed tight的发音

packed tight

packed tight 双语例句

1. packed tight

1. However, if you don`t have a grinder, you can also do well with a vacuum packed blend, but be sure the pack is sealed tight to ensure that all the wonderful aromas and flavor of freshly ground coffee stays inside.

2. These feelings reached their peak at the Hu Defu concert. On the evening of July 19, This old Taiwanese singer put on a small concert at Beijing's Yugong Yishan bar, packed tight by three to four hundred people. The second old Mr.

3. The manufacture product has the rotation type series racking machine, in-line series racking machine, the environmental protection series racking machine, the completely automatic pressure thick liquid racking machine, the double headed single end semiautomatic pressure thick liquid racking machine, the completely automatic intellectualization level -like compound membrane packed in bags packaging machine, the rotation type series turns on lathe covers machine, in-line series turns on lathe covers machine, the sealing machine, the aluminum foil seal, tight Ge Ji as well as does not do the rubber placard to sign machine, the agglutination type placard signs machine, the heat contracts the membrane machine and enters the bottle machine, the conveyer, the packing work table and so on the altogether more than 30 varieties, above each type widely uses in profession packing and so on the agricultural chemicals, chemical industry, food, medicine.

4. packed tight的意思

4. The completely automatic pressure thick liquid racking machine, the double headed single end semiautomatic pressure thick liquid racking machine, the completely automatic intellectualization level -like compound membrane packed in bags packaging machine, the rotation type series turns on lathe covers machine, in-line series turns on lathe covers machine, the sealing machine, the aluminum foil seal, tight Ge Ji as well as does not do the rubber placard to sign machine, the agglutination type placard signs machine, the heat contracts the membrane machine and enters the bottle machine, the conveyer, the packing work table and so on the altogether more than 30 varieties, above each type widely uses in profession packing and so on the agricultural chemicals, chemical industry, food, medicine.

5. We were packed tight in the bus.

6. The animals were packed in tight, but the bear didn't care.

7. packed tight什么意思

7. Designed right, packed tight, and full of graphics might!

8. Last week we were living in trailers packed tight, poorly stocked.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. From the moment you get on, til you shove your way through the crowd to get off, you are packed in tight with strangers.

10. Ensuring that your loam is balanced and not packed too tight will help air reach the plants and provide them with the oxygen they need to survive.

11. The sugar should be of superior quality, packed first in air tight polythene bags and then in strong gunny bags of 50 kilograms net ech.

12. Her eye sockets were packed with blind black resin, her nostrils unbecomingly plugged with tight rolls of cloth.

13. The food, cooked and hot, is packed into cardboard and plastic containers, and hot drinks go into plastic cups with tight-fitting lids.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. The bearing inner ring and the axis tight fit, the outer ring bearing hole is a more loose with the non-separation-type bearings installed, press the bearings can be installed on the shaft, then shaft with bearings packed together into the bearing hole inside, if the bearing is small, can also be lighter than the soft metal hammer blow set

15. packed tight什么意思

15. There's the smell of it in the shallow grooves between stones, earth packed in tight and sharp scented -- saltine sweet.

16. Home-to-office travelling allowance We were packed tight in the bus.

17. The stood in a tight little group; hair in tight curls; the pub was packed tight.

packed tight 单语例句

1. The rush to meet tight deadlines amid packed schedules of newsmakers can also add to greater competition among different media organizations for stories.

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