
pannier是什么意思 pannier在线翻译 pannier什么意思 pannier的意思 pannier的翻译 pannier的解释 pannier的发音 pannier的同义词 pannier的反义词

pannier [ˈpæniə(r)]  [ˈpænjɚ, ˈpæniɚ] 


pannier 基本解释

名词筐; 背篓; 箩; 撑裙

pannier 网络解释

1. 背篮:pannier 驮篮 | pannier 背篮 | pannier 背篮

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 盖篮:Bundle捆 | Pannier盖篮 | Unit辆

3. (挂在马或脚踏车两侧的)驮篮,挂篮,背篓:the rate has gone up 涨价了 | pannier (挂在马或脚踏车两侧的)驮篮,挂篮,背篓 | checked regularly and well - maintained 定期检查和保养,良好的

4. 驮包,挂包:mud guard 挡泥板 | pannier 驮包,挂包 | pedal 踏板

pannier 双语例句

1. You could also put it in a pannier and carry it on a rack, which is a good option, but you might not want your clothes wrinkly for some reason.

2. In this day in age of $4+ gasoline prices, a bike with a commuter bag or pannier will pay for itself in no time.
    在这一天,年龄为4 +汽油价格,自行车的通勤包或驮篮将支付本身没有时间。

3. To fight this problem here is one heaven of an idea for a bicycle pannier.

4. pannier

4. The length and shape of the skirts and dresses you most often wear can be used as guidelines when choosing a pannier.

5. And if you ever feel that an item may look better without a pannier, just trust your instincts and wear it however you think it will look best.

6. Cm shorter than the skirt is the standard length of a pannier.

7. pannier

7. While not riding a bike the pannier can be converted into a stroller or a simple sling-across-your-chest bag.

8. When I returned the pannier had been stolen.

9. Just over a year ago, I foolishly locked up my bicycle outside my office, but forgot to romove the pannier.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. It turns out they weren't in the bike pannier at all, but in a bag in my spare roomm where I found six months after supposedly losing them.

11. pannier在线翻译

11. You don't want to walk out with your skirt hem tucked or riding up the pannier.

12. It is the the most basic of basics when it comes to Lolita inner wear - yes, you've got it; the pannier.

13. pannier在线翻译

13. If your pannier is too short in comparison to your skirt, it may look misshapen.

14. pannier的反义词

14. The Reach model is rather plain in comparison to the Birdy's, and a light/reflector bracket might be a useful addition. I would also have liked to see some cross-beams to help locate pannier hooks: as with the Birdy I'd set the Ortliebs for maximum heel clearance and found it just sufficient. But on the Reach, there's nothing to stop the panniers sliding along the rack, unless you can cunningly hook the panniers onto the lower support.

15. It turns out they weren't in the bike pannier at all, but in a carrier bag in my spare room, where I found six months after supposedly losing them.

pannier 词典解释

1. (自行车或摩托车后轮两侧的)挂包,挂篮,挂篓
    A pannier is one of two bags or boxes for carrying things in, which are fixed on each side of the back wheel of a bicycle or motorbike.

2. (通常挂在驮兽两侧的)驮篮,驮篓,驮包
    A pannier is a large basket or bag, usually one of two that are put over an animal and used for carrying loads.


pannier 单语例句

1. Song really came to the fore when she sang The Little Pannier on CCTV's Variety Show during the Spring Festival in 1990.


pannier 英英释义


1. set of small hoops used to add fullness over the hips

2. a large basket (usually one of a pair) carried by a beast of burden or on by a person

3. either of a pair of bags or boxes hung over the rear wheel of a vehicle (as a bicycle)

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