
party是什么意思 party在线翻译 party什么意思 party的意思 party的翻译 party的解释 party的发音 party的同义词 party的反义词 party的例句

party [ˈpɑ:ti]  [ˈpɑ:rti] 


party 基本解释

名词当事人; 社交聚会; 党,党派; 同类,伙伴

动词为…举行社交聚会; 为…请客; 参加社交聚会

形容词政党的,党派的; 社交的,聚会的; 共有的,共同的

party 情景对话



A:Don’t you think it might be a good idea to hold the party outside?


B:I don’t think so.


A:How about going to a concert?

B:That suits me fine.


A:Hello, Miss Zhang. How are you?


B:Hello, Miss Wang. I'm fine, and you?

A:I'll doing fine, too.

B:Well, Miss Zhang, we are planning to have a casual get-together.I wonder if you and your husband can join us.

A:That sounds very nice. When will it be?


B:It's next week from this Monday.

A:What a pity! We have another party that day.

B:It doesn't matter. Let's wait until the next time.


A:Do you know what we’re supposed to wear to the party this evening?


B:I don’t know. I was just going to go in a pair of shorts and my blue Hawaiian shirt. What were you going to wear?

A:I was going to wear my new suit that I bought last week.


B:That’s a little dressy, isn’t it?

A:Your outfit is a little too casual, isn’t it?


B:I don’t know. I thought it was an outdoor barbeque.

A:Well, it is, but it’s for a special occasion.

B:Surely they wouldn’t expect us to dress up if we were going to be outside.

A:I think it’s a catered barbeque though. I think it’s going to be quite fancy.


B:Well, if you think we should dress up, I’ll dress up.

A:I don’t know. I don’t want to be overdressed.


B:Do you think we should call to ask about the dress code?

A:I don’t want to bother them with our silly questions.


B:Why don’t we call some of the other people who are going? We can ask them what they’re going to wear.

A:Ok. You talk to the guys and I’ll talk to the women.

B:How about you talk to the women for both of us and I’ll go take a quick nap?



party 网络解释

1. 晚会:比如说服装类中一些服装的海报,还有一些珠宝业中的首饰,甚至还有轻工业就是电子行业,我们现在看到的手机、相机所拍摄出来的那些画面是很唯美的,还有一些晚会(Party)贴出来的海报也都是非常唯美和时尚的,

party 词典解释

1. 政党;党派
    A party is a political organization whose members have similar aims and beliefs. Usually the organization tries to get its members elected to the government of a country.

    e.g. ...a member of the Labour party.
    e.g. ...India's ruling party.

2. 聚会;派对
    A party is a social event, often in someone's home, at which people enjoy themselves doing things such as eating, drinking, dancing, talking, or playing games.

    e.g. The couple met at a party...
    e.g. We threw a huge birthday party...

3. 尽情欢乐;纵情狂欢
    If you party, you enjoy yourself doing things such as going out to parties, drinking, dancing, and talking to people.

    e.g. They come to eat and drink, to swim, to party. Sometimes they never go to bed...
    e.g. After a long evening of partying he looked tired.

4. 群;伙;批
    A party of people is a group of people who are doing something together, for example travelling together.


    e.g. They became separated from their party.
    e.g. ...a party of sightseers.

5. (法律协议或辩论中的)一方
    One of the people involved in a legal agreement or dispute can be referred to as a particular party.

    e.g. It has to be proved that they are the guilty party.
    e.g. ...he was the injured party.

6. 参与,参加(行动或协议)
    Someone who is a party to or is party to an action or agreement is involved in it, and therefore partly responsible for it.


    e.g. Crook had resigned his post rather than be party to such treachery.

party 单语例句

1. Aso's Liberal Democratic Party faces a tough battle in a general election due by October, with the main opposition Democratic Party now leading in voter polls.

2. She was a single party girl when she wrote Sex and the City, but is now a powerful businesswoman who married in 2002.

3. But the government should not act as the main party in charge of shouldering these costs.

4. A Communist Party member must conscientiously act within the bounds of Party discipline.

5. He will also act as Party secretary of Zhongguancun Science Park administrative committee.

6. Naming a Cabinet in Japan has traditionally involved a careful balancing act, giving each of the party's main factions positions that reflect their relative strength.

7. He should act as president of the United States, not the leader of the Democrat party.

8. One of the agency's functions is to establish Party offices in companies and provide staff members to act as branch secretaries and organize activities.

9. The party was presided over by Jia Qinglin, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee.

10. By accident, the next day I met one of the guest " consultants " at a party.

party 英英释义


1. an occasion on which people can assemble for social interaction and entertainment

    e.g. he planned a party to celebrate Bastille Day

2. a group of people gathered together for pleasure

    e.g. she joined the party after dinner

3. an organization to gain political power

    e.g. in 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level

    Synonym: political party

4. a band of people associated temporarily in some activity

    e.g. they organized a party to search for food
           the company of cooks walked into the kitchen

    Synonym: company

5. a person involved in legal proceedings

    e.g. the party of the first part


1. have or participate in a party

    e.g. The students were partying all night before the exam

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