
pastoral是什么意思 pastoral在线翻译 pastoral什么意思 pastoral的意思 pastoral的翻译 pastoral的解释 pastoral的发音 pastoral的同义词

pastoral [ˈpɑ:stərəl]  [ˈpæstərəl] 


pastoral 基本解释

形容词牧师的,主教的; 牧人的; 有关田园生活的; 乡村的

名词牧歌; 田园诗; 田园景色; 牧师写给教区居民的公开信

pastoral 网络解释

1. pastoral什么意思

1. 牧歌:在西方,牧歌(pastoral)是一个有悠久传统的文学品种,远在古希腊时代,诗人们用它表现牧羊人在村野和自然中的纯朴生活.牧歌作为文类,它的高峰期在文艺复兴时期,浪漫主义文学中也能见到它的身影.文学中的现实主义兴起后,

2. pastoral什么意思

2. 田园:例加将贝多芬的第三号和第六号交响曲称作<<英雄>>(Eroica)和<<田园>>(Pastoral)就很合适,因为这是作曲家所给予的标题;但如果称第九号交响曲为<<合唱>>就不太恰当,尽避人们都是这麽称呼,但在乐谱封面上并没有这一标题.

3. 田园曲:是一种以自由形式表现出富于变狂想曲(Rhapsody) 是作曲家为具英雄气概题材、民族题材或情辞并茂的题材而作的器幻想曲(Fantasia) 是具有幻想和自由奔放特点的器乐曲,是一种含有浪漫色彩而无固田园曲(Pastoral) 曲调柔和,是模仿

4. 乡村的:10. secularization 世俗化,脱离教会 | 11. pastoral 乡村的 | 12. bleak 荒凉的

pastoral 词典解释

1. 牧师的;牧灵的;教牧的
    The pastoral duties of a priest or other religious leader involve looking after the people he or she has responsibility for, especially by helping them with their personal problems.

    e.g. ...the pastoral care of the sick...
    e.g. Many churches provide excellent pastoral counselling.

2. (教师对学生)生活辅导的
    If a school offers pastoral care, it is concerned with the personal needs and problems of its pupils, not just with their schoolwork.


    e.g. A few schools now offer counselling sessions; all have some system of pastoral care.

3. 田园式的
    A pastoral place, atmosphere, or idea is characteristic of peaceful country life and scenery.

    e.g. ...the pastoral beauty of a park.
    e.g. ...a tranquil pastoral scene.

4. 畜牧的;放牧的
    A pastoral way of life is one in which people keep animals such as cows and sheep that feed off the land.

    e.g. ...the Israelites, who were a pastoral people.
    e.g. ...a system of pastoral farming.

pastoral 单语例句

1. Nature undiscovered and untamed was no place for pastoral romance, which was mainly restricted to the cultivated gardens and parks.

2. Strolling across Sheep Meadow you hear a pastoral piano theme with an undercurrent of electronic arpeggios.

3. This pastoral god was later replaced by the goddess Juno Regina who was regarded the patron of marriages.

4. Experience the highland winds Appreciate the floating clouds and pastoral songs that resonate across the grasslands.

5. From Potala Square at the heart of Lhasa to herdsmen's settlements in remote pastoral areas, the Tibet Autonomous Region is filled with jubilant crowds.

6. Some in Shanghai have started to rent farmlands in rural areas to enjoy pastoral life in their leisure time.

7. All these tourism products help town residents and people living in agricultural and pastoral areas to make profits from local tourism development.

8. The AU said the bishops proposed a " meeting of minds " to chart the way forward for Zimbabwe in their pastoral letter.

9. Zhang blamed a severe drought caused by minimal rainfall in Hulun Buir for the rat plague outbreak in larger pastoral areas.

10. One day I was driving on a country road and was attracted by the pastoral scenery.

pastoral 英英释义


1. a literary work idealizing the rural life (especially the life of shepherds)

2. a letter from a pastor to the congregation

3. a musical composition that evokes rural life

    Synonym: pastoraleidyllidyl



1. (used with regard to idealized country life) idyllically rustic

    e.g. a country life of arcadian contentment
           a pleasant bucolic scene
           charming in its pastoral setting
           rustic tranquility

    Synonym: arcadianbucolic

2. of or relating to a pastor

    e.g. pastoral work
           a pastoral letter

3. relating to shepherds or herdsmen or devoted to raising sheep or cattle

    e.g. pastoral seminomadic people
           pastoral land
           a pastoral economy

    Synonym: bucolic

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