
pavilion是什么意思 pavilion在线翻译 pavilion什么意思 pavilion的意思 pavilion的翻译 pavilion的解释 pavilion的发音 pavilion的同义词

pavilion [pəˈvɪliən]  [pəˈvɪljən] 


pavilion 基本解释

名词亭,阁楼; (公共活动或展览用的)临时建筑物; 大型文体馆; 看台

及物动词搭帐篷; 笼罩; 置…于亭中

pavilion 相关例句


1. They are looking around the Japanese pavilion.

pavilion 网络解释

1. 凉亭:接着上午由Dacula市组织的传统国殇节纪念游行,谷内郡共和党2010选举促进委员会中午在Dacula 公园的凉亭(Pavilion)组织举办了这次活动. 公园凉亭两侧早早就插满了十几个竞选人的竞选牌和标语--入口处每个竞选人的竞选团队竞相发放竞选传单和竞选标志.

2. 亭,阁:浮雕围廊环绕着吴哥寺主殿的最外层,600米长,2米高,四个角落各有一座亭阁(Pavilion). 大部分浮雕内容的取材源于印度教的经典宗教神化<<罗摩衍那>>(Ramayana)和<<摩柯婆罗多>>(Mahabharata),但是西廊和南廊东半侧的浮雕内容例外,

3. 阁:J 在<<亭阁(Pavilion)>>中,那段炽烈的半音阶序列是什么?[在1:56处] E 那是小调色彩的半、全、半、全进行. J 这与即兴的乐句相反吗? E 是的. 在这里我弹奏已经写好的和弦. 它们是:半、全、等,我想得到某种更快的乐句. 真的,那只是一种模式.

pavilion 词典解释

1. (运动场边的)运动员更衣室
    A pavilion is a building on the edge of a sports field where players can change their clothes and wash.


    e.g. ...the cricket pavilion.

2. (临时的)大帐篷;临时建筑
    A pavilion is a large temporary structure such as a tent, which is used at outdoor public events.


    e.g. ...heading across the beautiful green lawn towards the International Pavilion.
    e.g. ...the United States pavilion at the Expo '70 exhibition in Japan.

3. (花园或公园里的)亭,阁
    A pavilion is an ornamental building in a garden or park.

    e.g. ...Humphrey Repton's design for a garden pavilion at Durham Park.

pavilion 单语例句

1. He modeled the UK Pavilion's acrylic rods out of toothbrush bristles and used matchsticks to make the beams of the China Pavilion.

2. It is danger by road from the Hot Spring to the Jade Screen Pavilion.

3. A country that has its own pavilion is usually more interesting, but that is by no means a rule.

4. The pavilion will be in the shape of a large square divided into four sections by a crossroads reflecting its national flag.

5. The Italy Pavilion is in Zone C, next to the UK and Netherlands pavilions.

6. Along this road stands a log pavilion warehousing the stump of the enormous camphor tree that was carved into Chairman Mao Zedong's coffin.

7. Bush walked with a cane onstage at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion and joked with the crowd before beginning his lecture on values.

8. Canton Fair's success largely hinges on its import exhibition at the international pavilion, a venue that offers quality overseas products.

9. A ceremony was held in the Guangdong provincial capital yesterday to mark the beginning of construction of the Guangdong pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo.

10. On the fourth floor of the pavilion is the robotic " caretaker " Lingling, which allows user interaction using mobile phones.


pavilion 英英释义


1. large and often sumptuous tent

    Synonym: marquee

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