
peace of mind是什么意思 peace of mind在线翻译 peace of mind什么意思 peace of mind的意思 peace of mind的翻译 peace of mind的解释 peace of mind的发音

peace of mind [pi:s ɔv maind]  [pis ʌv maɪnd] 

peace of mind 基本解释


peace of mind 网络解释

1. peace of mind

1. 内心的宁静:只是,我觉得内心的宁静(peace of mind)其实非常重要. 真正决定一个人的幸福感的东西,其实不是物质,而是这种内心精神. 这是我朴素的人生观. 所谓的知足常乐,大概就是这个意思吧. 美国前中情局(CIA)局长特尼特30日将出版他长达549页的回忆录,

2. peace of mind的解释

2. 平静:我曾读过一本书,书名是<<头脑的平静>>(peace of mind)作者是一位犹太教的法学博士约书亚.力柏曼(joshua liebman),这个人既不懂平静,也不懂头脑,但他是个生意人,在不了解自己所写的是什麼的情形下,他也能让书大卖.

3. 明镜止水:07 编钟 Chimes | 08 明镜止水 Peace of mind | 09 龙的传人 The dragon

4. 平靜心靈:03.WHITE SAND 白色沙灘 | 04.PEACE OF MIND 平靜心靈 | 05.TRUE LOVE RELAXAION 真心鬆弛

peace of mind 单语例句

1. Claimant parties should keep the larger picture of regional peace and stability in mind and do more to ease the tensions.

2. They chanted the ritual part of two temple music pieces in a highly consistent timbre, which must have come from a state of peace of mind.

3. Patients whose doctors can deal with the data stream from smart devices say they are getting peace of mind.

4. Huo said he doubts a dog's barking can greatly disturb the peace of mind of others.

5. Businessmen from both home and abroad flock to the temple every year to pay tribute, in the hope of securing peace of mind and a flourishing business.

6. Going organic is also one path to peace of mind, especially in these days when food safety is a major concern.

7. We should build peace in the mind of the people in the region.

8. Lemongrass revitalizes the body and mind and the fresh lemongrass scent is inhaled during the scrub to leave you with a feeling of inner peace.

9. The invigorating body care treatments at Yuan Spa of Hyatt on the Bund are balanced with peace and harmony in mind.

10. " We came here to keep the past firmly in mind and cherish the present peace, " said a student from the Second Foreign Language School of Nanjing.

peace of mind 英英释义


1. the absence of mental stress or anxiety

    Synonym: peacepeacefulnessreposeserenityheartseaseataraxis

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