
pekoe是什么意思 pekoe在线翻译 pekoe什么意思 pekoe的意思 pekoe的翻译 pekoe的解释 pekoe的发音 pekoe的同义词 pekoe的反义词 pekoe的例句

pekoe ['pi:kəʊ]  ['pi:koʊ] 

pekoe 基本解释



pekoe 网络解释

1. 白毫:白毫 (Pekoe) 一般而言,茶树顶端部位的茶叶,是属於较上等的茶叶,愈往下部位的茶叶,品质就相对较差. 红碎茶:我国红碎茶生产较晚,始于本世纪的50年代后期. 近年来产量不断增加,质量也不断提高. 红碎茶的制法分为传统制法和非传统制法两类.

2. pekoe

2. 锡兰上等红茶:红茶black tea | 锡兰上等红茶Pekoe | 新茶sincha

3. pekoe是什么意思

3. 上等红茶:pekingeseabreedofdogsycophantlackey 巴儿狗 | pekoe 上等红茶 | pelagia 面部丹毒

4. 白毫高级红茶:Pekingman 北京人 中国猿人 | Pekoe 白毫高级红茶 | Pelagothurida 游参目

pekoe 双语例句

1. Broken parts of the outer covering of a kernel...
    开口的三角墙(顶端开一缺口,其中置小雕象) broken pekoe

2. Assam, Ceylon, China Caravan, Darjeeling, Earl Grey, English Breakfast, Irish Breakfast, Keemun, Kenya, Lapsang Souchong, Nilgiri, Orange Pekoe, Rose Pouchong, Russian, and Yunnan are Black Teas.
    阿萨姆 ,锡兰,我国大篷车,大吉岭,伯爵茶,英式早餐,爱尔兰早餐,Keemun肯尼亚,Lapsang Souchong ,尼尔吉里,橙白毫,Pouchong玫瑰,俄文和云南红茶。

3. Large white tea varieties of tea Silver Needle Pekoe raw materials is to create the material basis necessary.

4. pekoe是什么意思

4. Top quality pekoe consists of only the leaf buds.

5. In fact, however, Orange Pekoe has nothing at all to do with the tea's flavor.

6. Orange Pekoe is a classification of black tea based upon the origin of the leaf.

7. pekoe的意思

7. Like that orange pekoe you like.

8. pekoe的解释

8. An orange pekoe, thank you.

9. Quality of Pu`er Tea, long and fat bud, a lot of brightened silvery pekoe

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. Mm-hmm.-And I was driving down Pekoe, it was at 20th Century Fox...
    哦。-而我沿着 Pekoe 驾车,在二十世纪福克斯公司。。。

11. danci.911cha.com

11. The team studied a chemical found in black, green, oolong and pekoe tea.

12. As the new system pekoe tea Phi body, bud peak Mount, and the fresh leaves collected from Huangshan peak, then has the named Huangshan Mao Feng tea.

13. Phi Pekoe tea as a result of new body, bud Mountain peak, and the fresh leaves collected from Huangshan peak, then the named Huangshan Mao Feng tea.

14. The terms " orange pekoe, "" pekoe, " and " souchong " denote progressively larger leaves of black tea.

15. pekoe

15. This tea is blended by mixing camomile with pekoe.

16. Grey, Black Currant, Pekoe, English Breakfast Darjeeling. 3 infusions of each.

17. pekoe的意思

17. The results showed that: sharp wave Huang Hsiang Fei Tsui Fuding cents and Pekoe early as suitable for making yellow tea quality is better, especially the sharp wave yellow.

18. danci.911chaxun.com

18. The terms " orange pekoe,"" pekoe," and " souchong " denote progressively larger leaves of black tea.

pekoe 单语例句


1. Lingyun County is located in the northwest Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, which has the honor of being " the large hometown of pekoe tea in China ".

pekoe 英英释义


1. a superior grade of black tea
    grown in India and Sri Lanka and Java

    Synonym: orange pekoe

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