
pen是什么意思 pen在线翻译 pen什么意思 pen的意思 pen的翻译 pen的解释 pen的发音 pen的同义词 pen的反义词 pen的例句 pen的相关词组

pen [pen]  [pɛn] 


pen 基本解释


名词笔,笔尖; 笔法,文笔; 作家; 围栏

及物动词写; 把…关入栏中; 关押,囚禁

pen 网络解释

1. 笔:过程分析(Process Analyst)ActiveX控件;过程分析(Process Analyst)属性;在过程分析(Process Analyst)中显示变量标签;笔(pen)类型;显示趋势;改变过程分析的属性;比较趋势信息;显示报警;比较趋...

2. 秘鲁新索尔:坚戈(KZT) 斯里兰卡卢比(LKR) 立陶宛立特(LTL) 摩洛哥迪拉姆(MAD) 毛里求斯卢比(MUR) 墨西哥比索(MXN) 马来西亚林吉特(MYR) 挪威克朗(NOK) 尼泊尔卢比(NPR) 新西兰元(NZD) 阿曼里亚尔(OMR) 秘鲁新索尔(PEN) 菲律宾比索(PH

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 聚萘二酸乙二醇酯:除目前广泛应用的聚偏氯乙烯(PVDC)、乙烯、乙烯醇共聚物(EVOH)外,近年来,开发环保适性材料的举动促使聚 乙烯醇(PVA)、聚萘二酸乙二醇酯(PEN)、共聚酰胺(MXD6)、硅或铝氧化物蒸薄膜(软玻璃)、纳米无机材料等的发展更 引人注目.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. pen:pain-excited neurons; 痛兴奋神经元

5. pen的反义词

5. pen:penalty; 惩罚性

6. pen

6. pen:penicillin; 青霉素

7. pen:public electronic network; 公共电子网络

pen 词典解释

1. 钢笔
    A pen is a long thin object which you use to write in ink.

2. 写;书写
    If someone pens a letter, article, or book, they write it.


    e.g. I really intended to pen this letter to you early this morning...
    e.g. She penned a short memo to his private secretary.

3. 栏;圈;棚
    A pen is also a small area with a fence round it in which farm animals are kept for a short time.

    e.g. ...a holding pen for sheep...
    e.g. He wasn't sure exactly how a fox could have got into the sheep's pen.

4. 把…关起来;把…圈起来
    If people or animals are penned somewhere or are penned up, they are forced to remain in a very small area.

    e.g. ...to drive the cattle back to the house so they could be milked and penned for the night...
    e.g. The goats are penned in and fodder has to be cut and carried each day...

5. 监狱
    People sometimes say the pen to refer to a prison.


6. 动笔;下笔
    If you put pen to paper, you write something.

    e.g. Whenever he put pen to paper he was at a loss for the right words to break the news.

pen 单语例句

1. Melted wax flows through the tip of the pen making it possible to write words or draw edging and other decoration on a candle.

2. " Playing cello was as natural as picking up a pen and writing, " he recalls.

3. The wheels of change have percolated down to even small manufacturing units like pen makers in Ningbo.

4. The images are stored in the pen on a memory chip like those found in digital cameras.

5. Lei's initial design shows the great reformer and civil rights icon holding a pen in his left hand.

6. The Color Picker is a concept pen that can scan colors from and mimic that color for drawing.

7. The shabby adobe house where he lived in the past becomes a sheep pen now.

8. Schmidt started writing poems before adolescence, but decided she wouldn't live by her pen.

9. Photoshop features a pen that will copy the color settings of what you are monitoring onscreen to use as a color in your program.

10. Advanced soldering pens may easily control the temperature, and are equipped with multiple special pen points.


pen 英英释义



1. female swan

2. a writing implement with a point from which ink flows

3. an enclosure for confining livestock

4. a correctional institution for those convicted of major crimes

    Synonym: penitentiary

5. a portable enclosure in which babies may be left to play

    Synonym: playpen



1. produce a literary work

    e.g. She composed a poem
           He wrote four novels

    Synonym: writecomposeindite

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