
pencil是什么意思 pencil在线翻译 pencil什么意思 pencil的意思 pencil的翻译 pencil的解释 pencil的发音 pencil的同义词 pencil的反义词 pencil的例句

pencil [ˈpensl]  [ˈpɛnsəl] 


pencil 基本解释

名词铅笔,彩色铅笔; 笔状物; 画风,画法; [物]光线锥

及物动词用铅笔写; 用画笔画


pencil 网络解释

1. 束:曲线束...曲线束(pencil)是经典代数几何的常用术语. 我们举例说明其含义. 曲线束(Pencil)是经典代数几何的常用术语. 我们举例说明其含义. 设X是代数曲面,C是X上的代数曲线, |C| 是它的完全线性系. 由该线性系定义的有理映射是 Φ:X→P^n.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 笔型:铁板..8 shad 9.spinner bait 10.buzz bait那个还是米诺(minnow),铅笔型(pencil)拟饵和minnow外型最大的区别就是minnow有压水板,可以借助压水板下潜,具体下潜深度由压水板长度和角度决定,在出厂前已设定潜深.

3. 铅笔工具:工具箱中的笔刷工具(Brush)、铅笔工具(Pencil),矩形工具(Rectangle),和椭圆工具(Ellipse tools)等是即可以作矢量mask工具又可以作位图mask工具,而钢笔工具只能做矢量mask工具.

pencil 词典解释

1. 铅笔
    A pencil is an object that you write or draw with. It consists of a thin piece of wood with a rod of a black or coloured substance through the middle. If you write or draw something in pencil, you do it using a pencil.

    e.g. I found a pencil and some blank paper in her desk...
    e.g. He had written her a note in pencil.

2. 用铅笔写
    If you pencil a letter or a note, you write it using a pencil.


    e.g. He pencilled a note to Joseph Daniels.

...folded notepaper with the pencilled block letters on the outside.

相关词组:pencil in

pencil 单语例句

1. Kuang's pencil drawings tend to lead you into a world of hutong filled with hustle and bustle.

2. The pencil was snapped up by someone who swapped it for a chocolate within a few minutes and the fundraiser was up and running.

3. Start by drawing over straggly hairs you want to remove with a white eyeliner pencil to guarantee that the placement is right before tweezing them.

4. Everyone certainly knows that a pencil drawing a line on paper can also emit sound, but only in Grygar's masterpieces did this inspire great art.

5. " The graphite in a pencil can provide enough graphene to fabricate 1 billion optical modulators, " he added.

6. Take out a pencil and draw a face on the side of the pumpkin.

7. Hundreds of characters and formulae in tiny handwriting decorated a pencil case measuring 15 centimetres long and five centimetres wide.

8. Lee's pencil work, you can almost taste the unholy urban grit.

9. Alternatively you could recreate these images from past lifestyles through Kuang Han's pencil drawings.

10. But in the eyes of Kuang Han, pencil is the best expression of the antique hutong and the life they contain inside.

pencil 英英释义


1. a thin cylindrical pointed writing implement
    a rod of marking substance encased in wood

2. a cosmetic in a long thin stick
    designed to be applied to a particular part of the face

    e.g. an eyebrow pencil

3. a figure formed by a set of straight lines or light rays meeting at a point

4. graphite (or a similar substance) used in such a way as to be a medium of communication

    e.g. the words were scribbled in pencil
           this artist's favorite medium is pencil



1. write, draw, or trace with a pencil

    e.g. he penciled a figure

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