
peter是什么意思 peter在线翻译 peter什么意思 peter的意思 peter的翻译 peter的解释 peter的发音 peter的同义词 peter的反义词 peter的例句

peter [ˈpi:tə(r)]  [ˈpitɚ] 


peter 基本解释

不及物动词渐渐枯竭[消失]; 逐渐减少; 逐渐减弱; 慢慢消失


名词麻醉品; 保险箱

peter 相关词组

1. peter out : 逐渐消失, 耗尽;

peter 相关例句


1. He was petered out after a day's work.


1. peter

1. The creek became narrower and finally petered out.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. The storm petered out.

peter 网络解释

1. 黎彼得:盈饰 周淑茵(Judy) 曹众饰严冬(Amy) 黄德斌饰 何德广(阿广) 张玉珊饰 区嘉平(May) 陈美琪饰 徐静仪(Carman) 戴少民饰 黎彼得(Peter) 罗莽饰 马老板江汉饰 T.K.曾胡枫饰 唐永全 苗金凤饰唐母(Jackie母) 李丽丽饰区母(嘉平母,

2. 何润东:北京时间6月5日消息,据香港媒体报道,正于台湾赶工的剧集<<泡沫之夏>>早前赴澳门取景,身兼制作人及主角的[何润东](Peter)也抽出两日时间配合,游览一番并狂吃地道美食.

peter 词典解释

相关词组:peter out

peter 单语例句

1. Hong Kong businessman Peter Lam used to run a toy factory in Dongguan, an important industrial city in neighboring Guangdong province that is a foreign capital magnet.

2. Peter said he wants to further raise foreigners'image among Chinese people by traveling the country by car and raising funds for the charity.

3. English Frederick Warne said they do not intend to monopolize Peter Rabbit works by owning of trademark right.

4. Australian producer Peter Du Cane said the international market is keen on documentaries that give an accurate account of Chinese history and social life.

5. Hong Kong Senior Government Officers'Association president Peter Chan was pleased that a capable person like Tsang would be elected the CE.

6. The ring is emblazoned with an image of Peter casting his fishing nets and was traditionally used to seal apostolic letters.

7. CCB International managing director and head of research Peter So praised the central government for unveiling a string of measures to boost domestic consumption.

8. Peter - who pledged to remain celibate until his divorce was finalised - is now looking forward to dating other women.

9. " We are almost certainly going to end the year higher than last year, " said Army vice chief of staff Peter Chiarelli at a press conference.

10. Heathrow airport Catholic chaplain Father Peter Knott reached the site of the crash within 10 minutes and said it was a scene of total devastation.

peter 英英释义


1. obscene terms for penis

    Synonym: cockprickdickshaftpeckertoolputz

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