
phone booth是什么意思 phone booth在线翻译 phone booth什么意思 phone booth的意思 phone booth的翻译 phone booth的解释 phone booth的发音

phone booth[fəun bu:ð] 

第三人称复数:phone booths

phone booth 基本解释

phone booth的解释


phone booth 网络解释

1. 狙击电话亭:萨瑟兰在1983年通过影片<<贵客光临>>(Max Dugan Returns)出道后,在<<伴我同行>>(Stand by Me)、<<义海雄风>>(A Few Good Men)、<<狙击电话亭>>(Phone Booth)等影片中饰演了多种角色,并通过影片<<鬼镜>>(Mirrors)和电视剧<<24小时>>显示了作为制作

2. 绝命铃声/狙击电话亭:Pearl Habor 珍珠港 | Phone Booth 绝命铃声/狙击电话亭 | Pulp Fiction 低俗小说

phone booth 双语例句

1. Both gems were recovered with The Delong Star Ruby being dropped off for ransom at a phone booth in Florida.

2. The subject walks into this phone booth-like device, and translucent bifold doors close around him.

3. Minutes? She also did not breath, hang up the phone, she quickly jumped bed, straight to the window, looking out the curtains open Fu, Right on cue, the opposite of the street, he`s on the telephone booth where!

4. I thought I was was going in a straight line but I ended up walking right into an open phone booth.

5. phone booth的近义词

5. Today, I was walking whilst texting. I thought I was was going in a straight line but I ended up walking right into an open phone booth.

6. I'm calling from a public phone booth.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. Tony assures her that he has an agent at the Bauer house and that he is checking the area near where Kim called from a phone booth.

8. I didn't bring my cell phone with me, so I have to call you back from a telephone booth.

9. phone booth什么意思

9. Next day, morning 6am I arrieved at the Chicago airport, and got to the baggage office place, but there was no my daughter figure till the 8:50am. I went to the telephone booth to make a phone, put 50cents into the box, no dail up, that was a bad machine, and I wanted to change a booth again, but with no another 50cent coin. I could not pick out the coin had in the box, how about that?

10. Well, you know the phone booth you're calling from?

11. I'm, I'm gonna call you right now from the phone booth!

12. I'll never forget that day, because the phone booth has became a friend in my life as well.

13. phone booth的近义词

13. Could you please tell me where I can find a phone booth?

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. I'm at a phone booth at the Nature Center. I've done the interview...

15. Such as the development of the world's first high-definition video imaging system in the United States Conference LifeSize; started in 1921 as well as professional video cameras in Japan Booth Elmo; the world's only production-one intelligent multimedia projector kind of Avio; the world's thinnest, the lightest projector Casio; and in the industry leading Leadtek video phone and video communications equipment; NEC's unique video conferencing terminals and so on......

16. The beginning days, feeling strange and lonely, and language barrier, often bought telephone cards to talk half an hour with friends and classmates in china side, to release of the inner loneliness and depressed, because the reason of time difference, often went to that phone booth with starlight, .

17. I called her from a public phone booth near the entrance to the bar

18. I'm lost. Can you direct me to the nearest phone booth?

19. I'll give him a call from the phone booth on the corner.

20. phone booth的反义词

20. You know, we set up a big phone booth, a phone bank, doing that.

phone booth 词典解释

1. 公共电话亭
    A phone booth is a place in a station, hotel, or other public building where there is a public telephone.


2. 同phone box
    A phone booth is the same as a phone box .

phone booth 单语例句

1. Visitors experience Huawei Technologies Co Ltd's cloud computing mobile phone at the company's booth at the Global Mobile Internet Conference in Beijing.

2. NASA tests balance with an expensive device about the size of a phone booth.

3. A pair of rhesus monkeys are seen on a public phone booth at the wildlife park in Guizhou Province.

4. People should make reservation online or by phone, and show ID cards to get their tickets at the reception booth outside the museum.

5. TV news reports show people patiently waiting in long lines to buy food and water, or to make a call at a public phone booth.

phone booth的近义词

phone booth 英英释义

phone booth的近义词


1. booth for using a telephone

    Synonym: telephone boothcall boxtelephone boxtelephone kiosk

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