
pieces是什么意思 pieces在线翻译 pieces什么意思 pieces的意思 pieces的翻译 pieces的解释 pieces的发音 pieces的同义词 pieces的反义词 pieces的例句

pieces ['pi:sɪz]  ['pi:sɪz] 


pieces 基本解释

片;条;部分;一件( piece的名词复数 );凑合( piece的第三人称单数 );凑成;修补;组合资料;

pieces 网络解释

1. 个:技术参数 荷重: 1kg,5个(pieces) 测试数量: 5组 自动计时器: 0~999,999分或秒可切换 温度控制: 常温~200℃,PID控制 温度显示: 0.1℃ 升温方式: 热风循环 安全装置: 设有超温及电热过载自动断电保护设施...

2. 碎片:旋律大气磅礴,感情真挚细腻,歌词婉转动人,整首歌被演绎的跌宕起伏,节奏变化丰富多彩,乐队的吉他手配合的是恰到好处;想锻炼蒙太奇手法的朋友请一定别错过彩虹乐队(L'Arc-en-Ciel)的MTV<<碎片>>(pieces),画面凄迷,镜头剪接流畅奇幻,

3. pieces在线翻译

3. 鞋面皮:picalon皮克隆(紙版中底的) | pieces鞋面皮 | piecer沖孔器(沖子)

4. 块, 片:Describing People 描寫人物 | Pieces 塊, 片 | Fruit 水果

pieces 单语例句

1. She picked two pieces of butter into our cups and said, " It will taste better if you put some salt in your butter tea ".

2. If you cannot find buttermilk, marinate the chicken pieces in diluted yoghurt.

3. Shake off excess buttermilk and dust the chicken pieces thoroughly with flour.

4. Pour buttermilk mixture over the chicken pieces and marinade overnight in the fridge.

5. The grandmaster played the program without physically moving chess pieces on a board or pressing the button of a chess clock.

6. The 21 existing pieces by arguably the greatest calligrapher in Chinese history are all copies made during the Tang Dynasty.

7. At the entrance of the east gate of the park there are 80 pieces of classic calligraphy works by calligraphers from past dynasties in China.

8. More than 100 designs and devices were selected from about 200 candidate pieces that had been created by students from primary school through university.

9. Given the open secret - what ultimately matters is whether one has enough pieces printed, rather than being academically capable - Market Modernization is thriving.

10. The pieces brought together in this exhibition are universally beautiful in their complexities, and careful curation inspires links and divergences between the two disciplines.

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