
piercing是什么意思 piercing在线翻译 piercing什么意思 piercing的意思 piercing的翻译 piercing的解释 piercing的发音 piercing的同义词

piercing [ˈpɪəsɪŋ]  [ˈpɪrsɪŋ] 


piercing 基本解释

形容词(指风、寒冷等)刺骨的; (眼睛或眼神)锐利的; 锋利的; 打动人心的

动词刺入,穿透( pierce的现在分词)

piercing 相关例句


1. He was over six feet tall, with piercing blue eyes.

piercing 网络解释

1. 穿孔:[摘要] 本发明涉及汽车用交流发电机的接线端组件的制造方法及利用其的 接线端组件,更具体来说,该接线端组件的特征在于,通过以下所述的步 骤制造:第一步骤,进行开槽(notching)及穿孔(piercing)工序;第二 步骤,在上述开槽(notching)工序形成的部位,

2. 穿刺:Damage Type--伤害类别,视武器的种类而定,可能是劈砍(slashing)、穿刺(piercing)或者重击(bludgeoning). 除了不同的护具对不同的伤害类别会有不一样的防御力,某些怪物对特定种类的伤害也有较高的抵抗力. 例如使用穿刺型的武器(弓箭、长矛)来对抗骷髅兵,

3. piercing的近义词

3. 冲孔加工:parting 分断加工 | piercing 冲孔加工 | progressive bending 连续弯曲加工

4. 镂雕、镂空:连续窑 continuous kiln | 镂雕、镂空 piercing | 辘轳车 jigger

piercing 词典解释

1. 刺耳的;尖厉的
    A piercing sound or voice is high-pitched and very sharp and clear in an unpleasant way.


    e.g. A piercing scream split the air.
    e.g. ...a piercing whistle.

She screamed again, piercingly.

2. (目光)敏锐的,锐利的
    If someone has piercing eyes or a piercing stare, they seem to look at you very intensely.

    e.g. ...his sandy blond hair and piercing blue eyes...
    e.g. He fixes you with a piercing stare.

Ben looked at him piercingly.

3. (感情等)深切的,直入肺腑的
    If you describe a quality or feeling as piercing, you mean that it makes you experience a feeling, especially sadness, very strongly.


    e.g. She was aware of a sharp piercing regret.

4. (风)刺骨的,凛冽的
    A piercing wind makes you feel very cold.

piercing 单语例句

1. The Chinese traditional medical treatment of acupuncture or piercing the body with a needle is a treatment which focuses on the inside from the outside.

2. This year's sessions rank as one of her most chilly experiences, with plunging temperatures and piercing winds in the past few days.

3. Apart from the striking diamond grille on the front end, the car's LED headlamps are reminiscent of the piercing eyes of a predatory animal.

4. An intense young man is pulverizing a snare drum while letting rip with primal roars and piercing electronic feedback.

5. Diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis can be transmitted through unhygienic body piercing, the Consumer Council warned Hong Kong youths in a press conference on Tuesday.

6. With its piercing cries, the kitten intends to scratch deep furrows of sorrows on the tiny tot's tender mind.

7. Nag, has a silver stud in her nose and another piercing her chin.

8. Body piercing is not regulated by the health authority in Hong Kong.

9. The Quebec federation had previously disallowed players who wore piercing rings or medical bracelets, she noted.

10. Crawford said on Thursday that she didn't see any difference between piercing a cat and piercing a human.


piercing 英英释义



1. painful as if caused by a sharp instrument

    e.g. a cutting wind
           keen winds
           knifelike cold
           piercing knifelike pains
           piercing cold
           piercing criticism
           a stabbing pain
           lancinating pain

    Synonym: cuttingkeenknifelikestabbinglancinatelancinating

2. having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions

    e.g. an acute observer of politics and politicians
           incisive comments
           icy knifelike reasoning
           as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang
           penetrating insight
           frequent penetrative observations

    Synonym: acutediscriminatingincisivekeenknifelikepenetratingpenetrativesharp

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