
pilings是什么意思 pilings在线翻译 pilings什么意思 pilings的意思 pilings的翻译 pilings的解释 pilings的发音 pilings的同义词 pilings的反义词



pilings 基本解释

打桩,打桩工程( piling的名词复数 );

pilings 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. His giant mastiff came bounding out, looked between the marble pilings of the rail, and cocked his head to one side.

2. pilings的解释

2. A marine bivalve mollusk of the family Pholadidae, having a long shell with which it bores into wood, rock, and clay, often causing destruction of wharf pilings.

3. pilings的意思

3. A mar bivalve mollusk of the family Pholadidae, having a long shell with which it bores into wood, rock, and clay, often causing destruction of wharf pilings.

4. pilings的解释

4. The shell masks the pilings so that the house doesn't look like it's standing with its pant legs pul led up.
    外壳遮蔽底座的树桩,使整个房子不至于看起来像卷起裤腿站立在那儿。因此正确答案为 B。

5. The impact of a sledgehammer on pilings;

6. They embedded the pilings deep into the subsoil.

7. pilings

7. Built on wooden pilings sunk in the ooze of a backwater lagoon, Venice rose over a millennium to become a city-state of dazzling power.

8. The world's largest artificial islands and off-shore settlements on one hand and the longest man-made canals on the other, have evolved the coastline into a dominant urban plan element; Also the urban sections have been swarmed by the tallest skyscrapers founded on the deepest pilings.

9. But these were uncased auger-drilled poured pilings, with the grout in direct contact with the native materials.

10. pilings

10. On stormier lakes, they made stronger bases for the pilings by placing square log frames on the lake bottom.

11. pilings是什么意思

11. Some stood on pilings or stilts; some were fastened to rock with iron rods.

12. The stagnant edges of the canal, she noted, might provide a good breeding ground, as would pools of water in the hollows of wooden pilings.

13. A Dynamic Detecting and Monitoring System for Pilings

14. danci.911cha.com

14. The theory and applications of the pilings transient dynamic measurement

15. The foundation pit is sustained and protected by filling pilings with reinforced concrete, after comparing technology economy and noise and so on.

16. After analyzing the stress filed and the displacement filed in the rock the conclusions are drawn as following: ① The anti-slipping pilings are very effective in the treatment of the loess slipping slope;

pilings 单语例句

1. The soldiers had to send an advance team of seven members to set up pilings step by step.

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