
piping是什么意思 piping在线翻译 piping什么意思 piping的意思 piping的翻译 piping的解释 piping的发音 piping的同义词 piping的反义词 piping的例句

piping [ˈpaɪpɪŋ]  [ˈpaɪpɪŋ] 


piping 基本解释

名词(某种或某长度的)管道; 笛声; (食品上装饰用的)奶油花饰; (衣服、椅罩等的)滚边

形容词尖声的; 高声的; 平静的; 平和的


piping 相关例句


1. danci.911cha.com

1. In a piping but determined voice she ordered me to sit down.

piping 网络解释

1. piping的意思

1. 管路:铁弗龙管路(Piping) 管件(Fitting)铁弗龙工业有限公司专业在泰国生产各类金属表面加工制品,

2. 管涌:吾人研判此路面破坏之原因,极可能为暴潮引致地下水位上升,地下水流经道路底下角状构造边缘,水流流速急遽增加,造成极大压力梯度,所以发生管涌(piping)现象所致.

3. piping

3. 管道系统:不间断电源(UPS)供应系统和电池,过电压保护,变压器,配电盘,以及断路器.冷却设备--数据中心的散热系统,包括机房专用空调机组(CRAC)及其相关子系统(制冷装置,冷却塔,冷凝器,风道(ductwork),泵组,管道系统(piping))以及机架级或行级

piping 词典解释

1. (金属、塑料等的)管子,管材
    Piping is metal, plastic, or another substance made in the shape of a pipe or tube.


    e.g. ...rolls of bright yellow plastic piping.

2. (衣服、垫子等的)滚边
    Piping is cloth made into a narrow tube. Piping is used to decorate the edges of clothing and things such as cushions.

    e.g. The red dress had slim black piping around the neck.

3. 尖声的;高声的
    A piping voice is high-pitched.

    e.g. As she was about to follow there came a piping voice from upstairs. 'Is that Daddy back?'

piping 单语例句

1. Lunch and dinner typically include piping hot rice, two vegetables and a spicy lentil dish called sambar and buttermilk.

2. When I looked down I saw that my glass of chilled carrot juice had been replaced by a piping cup of rich hot chocolate.

3. They're made to order and the servers bring the whole crabs out piping hot and with vinegar to dip the meat in.

4. The piping hot radiators do serve as a substitute dryer, though.

5. It's topped off with a piping hot red earthen pot filled with boiling vegetable oil.

6. And there's always the possiblity of another explosion, either from too much pressure or from a previously unknown unstable piece of piping.

7. It simply meant they would get piping hot buns fresh from the oven in the morning.

8. You cannot be impatient as the puree is piping hot under that layer of oil.

9. Both are served piping hot, so there is little hygiene risk.

10. The portion may be large but rest assured, this piping hot omelette will be polished off in no time.

piping 英英释义


1. playing a pipe or the bagpipes

2. a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc.

    Synonym: pipepipage

3. a thin strip of covered cord used to edge hems


1. (used of heat) extremely

    e.g. the casserole was piping hot

    Synonym: steaming

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