
pique是什么意思 pique在线翻译 pique什么意思 pique的意思 pique的翻译 pique的解释 pique的发音 pique的同义词 pique的反义词 pique的例句

pique [pi:k]  [pi:k] 


pique 基本解释


动词使愤恨; 使恼怒

名词怨恨; 愤恨; 恼怒; 凸纹坚挺布料

pique 相关例句


1. That piqued my curiosity.

2. pique的解释

2. Anna was piqued by Jack's rude remarks about her appearance.


1. Tom finished the sentence with an air of pique.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. She left in a fit of pique.

pique 网络解释

1. pique

1. 单珠地:密度:不限 组织结构:单珠地(PIQUE) 克重:不限 纺纱系统:不限 加工方法:印花 用途:不限 纱支:不限 后整理方式:印花 门幅:不限 纱线结构:不限 印染加工方法:印花布 纱线原料:不限 原料及生产工艺:棉型织物 成份比例:100%棉

2. 后卫 皮克:上季冠军、西甲豪门巴塞罗那在新加坡时间今天凌晨举行的欧冠杯次回合半决赛中,虽然在1个小时内以多打少,但面对意甲领头羊国际米兰的铁桶阵,巴塞的狂轰烂炸只换得后卫皮克(Pique)在第84分的一个疑似越位的进球,没能

3. (比基):第四个争议判罚发生在第82分钟,当时比基(Pique)在禁区内有相当明显的手球动作,当时这位前曼联球员,在禁区内直接伸开手臂用手掌将球拍在地上,从慢镜看来,比基当时是盯准皮球后五指张开成拍球动作再将球拍打向地,

pique 词典解释

1. (因遭人怠慢而感到的)恼怒,愠怒
    Pique is the feeling of annoyance you have when you think someone has not treated you properly.

    e.g. Mimi had gotten over her pique at Susan's refusal to accept the job.

2. 激起,引起(兴趣或好奇心)
    If something piques your interest or curiosity, it makes you interested or curious.

    e.g. This phenomenon piqued Dr Morris' interest...
    e.g. Their curiosity piqued, they stopped writing.

3. 一怒之下;愤然
    If someone does something in a fit of pique, they do it suddenly because they are annoyed at being not treated properly.

    e.g. Lawrence, in a fit of pique, left the Army and took up a career in the City.

pique 单语例句

1. Guan decided to punish Li in a fit of pique after the boy stole his sugar cane last December.

2. Pique will be sidelined for between two and three weeks, while club captain Carles Puyol is out for around a month after straining knee ligaments.

3. Shakira is sharing the first public photograph of her recently born baby, with father Gerard Pique planting a kiss on his infant son's cheek.

4. Spanish soccer player Gerard Pique kisses his and Colombian singer Shakira's baby boy Milan in this undated handout photo distributed via Shakira's twitter account.

5. Barcelona finished the match with nine men after Marquez and Gerard Pique were sent off late on for cynical fouls.

6. Skis Rossignol's local agent last month sponsored the 2006 Youth Cup slalom competition near Beijing to pique interest in the sport ahead of the games.

7. Skis Rossignol's local agent last month sponsored the 2006 Youth Cup slalom competition near Beijing to pique interest in the sport before the Games.

8. The dcor is certain to rouse nostalgia and memories among those familiar with Nanjing, and pique interest in those who are not.

9. Barca coach Tito Vilanova will still be without central defenders Carles Puyol and Gerard Pique for the game.

10. Gerard Pique said Barcelona welcomed the chance to prove their mettle, again.


pique 英英释义


1. tightly woven fabric with raised cords

2. a sudden outburst of anger

    e.g. his temper sparked like damp firewood

    Synonym: temperirritation


1. cause to feel resentment or indignation

    e.g. Her tactless remark offended me

    Synonym: offend

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