
pisciculture是什么意思 pisciculture在线翻译 pisciculture什么意思 pisciculture的意思 pisciculture的翻译 pisciculture的解释 pisciculture的发音

pisciculture ['pɪsɪkʌltʃə]  ['pɪsɪˌkʌltʃə] 

pisciculture 基本解释



pisciculture 网络解释

1. 养鱼学:piscicultural 养鱼的 | pisciculture 养鱼学 | pisciculturist 养鱼家

2. 养鱼:pisces 鱼类 | pisciculture 养鱼 | pistil 雌蕊

3. 养鱼学,养鱼业:piscicide杀鱼毒素 | pisciculture养鱼学;养鱼业 | piscidia番石榴

4. pisciculture什么意思

4. 养鱼业:pisciculture 养鱼学 | pisciculture 养鱼业 | pisciculturist 养鱼家

pisciculture 双语例句

1. A person dug pond pisciculture, be afraid that bird eats fry stealthily, did build to wear head large bamboo hat, body to wrap around the jackstraw of straw rain cape is put in the pond.

2. The inhabitants here, most of whom are jobless (only one has a full-time job) and native, lease the land by month for pisciculture and now the village is surrounded by ponds.

3. pisciculture的解释

3. At present Shandong saves reservoir to cast bait pot pisciculture to already formed certain scale of production.

4. pisciculture的近义词

4. Rice field pisciculture is the practical technology of an effective of our country traditional agriculture, there already was 1700 old history in area of southern paddy field.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Turn on the water pisciculture, should arrive to control a network now when.

6. Although cast bait pot pisciculture to develop very quickly in last few years, obtained remarkable result, but still put in a lot of problems to was not solved.

7. With the prompt development of fresh water pisciculture, fish disease have happened and prevailed seriously, it has become a great obstacle of good development of aquiculture, and threaten the stabilization of aquiculture and sustainable development.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. When planting bamboos and farming fish here, he wrote the first Pisciculture Guidebook in China. The local dwellers always

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. Japanese pisciculture industry grows to diversification.

10. pisciculture的近义词

10. Outline of Rice Paddy Pisciculture and cropland ecology.

11. Each district is in deepness development, it is the content of science and technology such as domestication pisciculture high advanced and practical technology gets bedding face accumulates promotion.

12. Research on reservoir fertilization technology in pisciculture

13. Control System Design is Engageed in Pisciculture to the Intellect

14. pisciculture的意思

14. Introduction of a high quality nitrogenous fertilizer of pisciculture & ammonium chloride

15. Effect of pisciculture on mosquito control in paddy fields

16. pisciculture的翻译

16. Under intensive pisciculture conditions, the problem of how to purify and reuse the large amount of animal-breeding sewage has become a bottleneck that limits the development of pisciculture.

17. Relationship between output and material consumption in pond pisciculture in Chengdu Plain

18. Build scene content to basically have: Dig a lake to pile mountain, model landform; Build the building facilities such as booth stage pavilion; Build by laying bricks or stones folds rockery strange peak, cliff of danger of hole big pool; Decorate valley mountain stream, riprap onflow; Bluff of megalith of load one's writing with fancy phrases, pilot a ship into a harbour and below; Set shallow water small pool, build stone hill fountain, pisciculture, cultivated content; Decorate assorted configuration each tree of one; It is main body of composition of a picture with all sorts of sculpture.

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