
plaque是什么意思 plaque在线翻译 plaque什么意思 plaque的意思 plaque的翻译 plaque的解释 plaque的发音 plaque的同义词 plaque的反义词 plaque的例句

plaque [plæk]  [plæk] 


plaque 基本解释

名词匾,饰板; 胸章,徽章; [医]血小板

plaque 网络解释

1. 斑块:伴有发痒皮疹消退快(一般不跨越24h)消退后不留陈迹儒医以为风团多为风邪或贫血而至;抓后起红色风团或条状隆起者多属血热⒊ 斑块(plaque) 为较大的或大都丘疹融合而成的扁平隆起性侵害,

2. 斑:此一化学家用「NO」代表的分子,是身体特别为了维护动静脉的畅通所制造,避免让引起中风的动脉硬化斑 (plaque) 滞留血管中,并可松弛动脉来维持正常血压,藉此调节血液流速并预防「冠状动脉心脏病 (coronaries)」.

3. 蚀斑:若标本经过适当稀释进行接种并辅以染色处理,病毒可在培养的细胞单层上形成肉眼 可见的局部病损区域,即蚀斑(plaque)或称空斑 即蚀斑( 即蚀斑 plaque)或称空斑.

plaque 词典解释

1. 匾额;饰板
    A plaque is a flat piece of metal or stone with writing on it which is fixed to a wall or other structure to remind people of an important person or event.

    e.g. After touring the hospital, Her Majesty unveiled a commemorative plaque.

2. 牙斑;齿菌斑
    Plaque is a substance containing bacteria that forms on the surface of your teeth.

    e.g. Deposits of plaque build up between the tooth and the gum.

plaque 单语例句


1. Doctors perform bypass operations when these arteries become blocked by cholesterol or fatty material called plaque.

2. Dental caries is an infection caused by plaque, a sticky film on teeth formed from accumulated food debris.

3. The blockages are caused by plaque, a cheesy buildup of fat and cholesterol.

4. The plaque of the teahouse was personally inscribed by Ma Sanli, a famous crosstalk artist in China.

5. Bacteria found in plaque changes sugars into acids, which erodes the tooth enamel to form cavities.

6. A team spokeswoman said the Giants would put up a plaque to note where he had hit his last homer.

7. However, little is known about how amyloid plaque formation is regulated.

8. In healthy people, amyloid plaque is rapidly metabolized by their immune systems.

9. Amyloid plaque is produced by protein metabolism in certain areas of the brain.

10. Mouthwashes and gels can be useful too and the dentist might recommend an antibacterial mouthwash to help control plaque and reduce inflamed or diseased gums.

plaque 英英释义


1. a memorial made of brass

    Synonym: brassmemorial tablet

2. (pathology) a small abnormal patch on or inside the body

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