
pleased是什么意思 pleased在线翻译 pleased什么意思 pleased的意思 pleased的翻译 pleased的解释 pleased的发音 pleased的同义词 pleased的反义词

pleased [pli:zd] [pli:zd] 

比较级:more pleased最高级:the most pleased

pleased 基本解释

形容词高兴的; 自鸣得意; (用于初次见面握手时)很高兴认识您; 称心满意

动词喜欢; (使…)高兴( please的过去式); (使…)满意; 想要

pleased 相关例句


1. pleased

1. We are very pleased with our new house.

2. I'm very pleased to inform you that your application has been accepted.

3. Your father has told me of your success, and I am very pleased about it.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. We are very pleased with her decision.

pleased 情景对话


A:I’m really pleased you finally made it to Beijing!
      我非常高兴你最终设法来到 北京 !


B:Thank you. And I’m delighted I could make it. It’s great to meet you after all this time.


A:Well, please have a seat. Can I get you a tea, or coffee, or water?
       哦,请坐。我能给你拿杯 茶、咖啡或者水吗?

B:Tea would be fine thanks. I’m so looking forward to my visit.

A:Yes, I’m sure you’ll really enjoy Beijing.
      是的,我肯定你在 北京 将非常愉快。

B:I’ve got so much I want to see and do.

pleased 网络解释

1. pleased的近义词

1. 高 兴:18 B 逻辑推理常识运用前后照应看到这种惊人的举动人们肯定会感到胆颤心惊(terrified),而不会是耐烦(patient),高兴(pleased)或愉快(enjoyable). 有后文stared with their hearts beating fast也可得知.

2. pleased什么意思

2. 满足:GestureUp >手势 | Pleased >满足 | Alert >警告

3. 高兴的,满足的:moon cake月饼 | pleased高兴的,满足的 | meet见到,遇到

pleased 词典解释

1. 高兴的;喜欢的;满意的
    If you are pleased, you are happy about something or satisfied with something.


    e.g. Felicity seemed pleased at the suggestion...
    e.g. I think he's going to be pleased that we identified the real problems...

2. 高兴(做…)的;乐意(做…)的
    If you say you will be pleased to do something, you are saying in a polite way that you are willing to do it.

    e.g. We will be pleased to answer any questions you may have...
    e.g. I shall be very pleased to help you in every way I can.

3. (对…)满意的;(对…)赞赏的
    You can tell someone that you are pleased with something they have done in order to express your approval.


    e.g. I'm pleased with the way things have been going...
    e.g. I am very pleased about the result...

4. 不高兴的;不满意的
    If someone is not too pleased or is none too pleased, they are annoyed about something or do not think something is acceptable.

    e.g. I was not too pleased with the record you sent me...
    e.g. He's not too pleased that I don't seem to be doing my bit...

5. 高兴(地告诉或得知)的
    When you are about to give someone some news which you know will please them, you can say that you are pleased to tell them the news or that they will be pleased to hear it.

    e.g. I'm pleased to say that he is now doing well...
    e.g. You'll be very pleased to know that we offered help immediately.

6. (用于正式信函中)意欲(做…)的,决意(做…)的
    In official letters, people often say they will be pleased to do something, as a polite way of introducing what they are going to do or inviting people to do something.


    e.g. We will be pleased to delete the charge from the original invoice...
    e.g. We are always pleased to hear from our customers.

7. 对自己满意;(尤指)自鸣得意,飘飘然
    If someone seems very satisfied with something they have done, you can say that they are pleased with themselves, especially if you think they are more satisfied than they should be.

    e.g. He was pleased with himself for having remembered her name...
    e.g. He had reason to be pleased with himself, since he was one of only seven out of forty candidates who were successful.

8. 见到你很高兴;幸会;认识你很高兴
    You can say 'Pleased to meet you' as a polite way of greeting someone who you are meeting for the first time.

pleased 单语例句

1. An enthralling and high calibre final finished with the set count at 26 all and Nadal pleased with his part in it.

2. The girls are so pleased for her and have said they're only a phone call away to pass on any parenting tips.

3. New People's Party Chairman Regina Ip said she was pleased that the government has heeded the call to delay voting.

4. Prosecutors had wanted to call Laura Pettitte as a key witness, but Walton wasn't pleased with the idea because she had not spoken directly to Clemens.

5. While being pleased by the encouraging figures, we cannot but wonder whether such administrative regulation alone could maintain the industry's healthy growth.

6. Hong Kong Senior Government Officers'Association president Peter Chan was pleased that a capable person like Tsang would be elected the CE.

7. The Pirates of the Caribbean star was looking pleased with herself when she gave waiting photographers an eyeful of the expensive ring on her finger.

8. Xia's mother said while she understood that restaurants wanted to cash in on the demand, she was not pleased to complete her dinner in a hurry.

9. Lau was very pleased with the appointment, saying this provides him a new platform to reflect people's views to the CE.

10. Eriksson was also pleased with the overall fitness of his team in sultry conditions as the temperature nudged 30 degrees celsius.

pleased 英英释义


1. experiencing or manifesting pleasure

2. feeling pleasurable satisfaction over something by which you measures your self-worth

    e.g. proud of their child

    Synonym: proud of(p)

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