
plurality是什么意思 plurality在线翻译 plurality什么意思 plurality的意思 plurality的翻译 plurality的解释 plurality的发音 plurality的同义词

plurality [plʊəˈræləti]  [plʊˈræləti] 


plurality 基本解释

名词多元化; 诸多; 处于多数; (选举中的)相对多数(票)

plurality 相关例句


1. plurality

1. They had a plurality in the election but were just short of a majority.

plurality 网络解释

1. plurality的近义词

1. 多:Sedley认为,巴门尼德叩开白昼与黑夜的玄关之鈅意味着着哲人的知性之旅出离了现象世界,因为白昼与黑夜的此起彼伏乃象征着现象世界的杂多(plurality)与变易(change).

2. 多数:针对这样的问题,本文提出一种基于多数(plurality)的扩展表决系统:使用构造决策树的方法和进行DFT遍历作为自动化的计算工具;通过对基本的多数表决系统进行模型扩展,加入指导性规则对决策树进行重构,以自动计算工具的结果作为参考,

3. 胜出票数(当选人比得票次多者多出的票数):plural society 多元社会 | plurality 胜出票数(当选人比得票次多者多出的票数) | policy programme 政策纲领

plurality 词典解释

1. 多数状态;诸多;众多
    If there is a plurality of things, a number of them exist.

    e.g. Federalism implies a plurality of political authorities, each with its own powers.

2. (超过其他任何一方的)多数
    If a candidate, political party, or idea has the support of a plurality of people, they have more support than any other candidate, party, or idea.

    e.g. The Conservative party retained a plurality of the votes...
    e.g. 35% of the population, a plurality, believed that the economic reforms would result in only insignificant change.

3. (指选举中获胜者得到的不及其他所有候选人得票总和的)相对多数(票)
    A plurality in an election is the number of votes that the winner gets, when this is less than the total number of votes for all the other candidates.

    e.g. He only got a plurality on November 3rd, just 49 percent.

4. (指选举中获得最多票数的候选人与得票数第二的候选人之间的)票数差额
    A plurality in an election is the difference in the number of votes between the candidate who gets the most votes and the candidate who comes second.

    e.g. Franklin had won with a plurality in electoral votes of 449 to 82.

plurality 单语例句

1. His advocacy of contemporary theories is apparent in his emphasis on plurality and imprinting - " the essential beauty of printing ".

2. He called on Libyans to stick to the principles of diversity and plurality, and to continue dialogues as the means to build a state of law and democracy.

3. Cultural diversity is the plurality of cultures coexisting both nationally and internationally.

4. Only in India and the Philippines did a plurality of respondents say the United States would always remain a bigger economy than China.

5. Romney's victory in the first debate was so decisive that even a plurality of Democrats regarded him as the winner.

6. The proposed park location won the plurality of votes over four other proposals.

7. The vast plurality of French was against any action that would hurt the feelings of the Chinese.

8. Depending on the poll, either a plurality or majority wants fewer immigrants.

9. This is a region where economies grow on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, with a plurality of cultures.

plurality 英英释义


1. (in an election with more than 2 options) the number of votes for the candidate or party receiving the greatest number (but less that half of the votes)

    Synonym: relative majority

2. a large indefinite number

    e.g. a battalion of ants
           a multitude of TV antennas
           a plurality of religions

    Synonym: battalionlarge numbermultitudepack

3. the state of being plural

    e.g. to mark plurality, one language may add an extra syllable to the word whereas another may simply change the vowel in the existing final syllable

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