
pod是什么意思 pod在线翻译 pod什么意思 pod的意思 pod的翻译 pod的解释 pod的发音 pod的同义词 pod的反义词 pod的例句 pod的相关词组

pod [pɒd]  [pɑ:d] 


pod 基本解释


名词荚,豆荚; (飞机的)吊舱; (航天器或船只上可与船只主体分离的)分离舱


及物动词把(豆等)剥出荚; 去荚

pod 相关例句


1. Peas and beans grow in pods.

pod 网络解释

1. 吊舱:这种设备已由QinetiQ公司研制了几年,它是一个从潜艇投放的通信吊舱(pod),可浮在海面上,通过一条极长的光纤与母艇链接. 这样,潜艇可保持在深潜位置上,通过卫星与水面和空中平台进行高带宽通信. 从而使潜艇作为作战网络中名符其实的成员.

2. 荚:所以现在用不到;又可隐约看到黄金权 杖被蜘蛛网包著;于是先将果酱往大蜘蛛身上丢,接著把火烬(Ember)放在昆虫的巢(Hive)上,那群愤怒的昆虫会将大蜘蛛叮死;接著要做的事,用剪刀 剪开荚(Pod),拿到权杖后,再察看一下四周,

3. pod的翻译

3. 过氧化物酶:尽管过氧化氢仍是对机体有害的活性 氧,但体内 6性极强的过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧 化物酶(POD)会立即将其分解为完全无害的水. 这样,三种酶便组成了一个完整的防氧链条.

4. pod:precision orbit determination; 精密定轨

5. pod:payment on delivery; 交货付款

6. pod:publishing on demad; 按需印刷

7. pod:print on demand; 随需印刷特色

pod 词典解释

1. 荚;荚果;豆荚
    A pod is a seed container that grows on plants such as peas or beans.


    e.g. ...fresh peas in the pod.
    e.g. ...hot red pepper pods.

pod 单语例句

1. The experts said returning the calf to her pod poses problems, partly because they do not know exactly where the group is.

2. It is recovering under the watchful eye of marine vets and is expected to rejoin the pod and his mate Echo within eight weeks.

3. Two NASA astronauts and a NASA flight surgeon will be in the underwater pod with the robot.

4. But because not all conversations are meant to be public, the speaker can be extended from its pod to hang over the ear.

5. He more or less did that in the opening minutes of the 1978 remake, which starred Donald Sutherland as the hero menaced by the pod people.

6. I have grown up with him, so we are like two peas in a pod.

7. Up to four people can fit inside the pod, which rights itself in water and can survive a drop of 10 meters.

8. After 20 minutes, the sleeping pod wakes up the customer with a combination of vibrations and light.

9. The equipment pod was recovered intact after the observation had been carried out as planned.

10. But the experts say she is too young to survive without the other members of her pod.

pod 英英释义


1. a detachable container of fuel on an airplane

    Synonym: fuel pod

2. a group of aquatic mammals

3. a several-seeded dehiscent fruit as e.g. of a leguminous plant

    Synonym: seedpod

4. the vessel that contains the seeds of a plant (not the seeds themselves)

    Synonym: codseedcase



1. produce pods, of plants

2. take something out of its shell or pod

    e.g. pod peas or beans

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