
pointer是什么意思 pointer在线翻译 pointer什么意思 pointer的意思 pointer的翻译 pointer的解释 pointer的发音 pointer的同义词 pointer的反义词

pointer [ˈpɔɪntə(r)]  [ˈpɔɪntɚ] 


pointer 基本解释

名词教鞭; 建议; 线索; (测量仪器上的)指针

pointer 相关例句


1. I'd be grateful if you could give me a few pointers.

pointer 网络解释

1. pointer是什么意思

1. 指示器:Wii Remote(标准控制器/随主机发售): 通讯机能:通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)进行无线连接 最多连接数:4 游戏的有效距离:据电视5M内 操作按键: 指示器(Pointer):具备对画面的指示机能 运动传感器(Motion sensor):对移动和倾斜进行判断

2. 波音达犬:波音达犬(Pointer)也有称指示犬的,身高:53-58厘米,体重:20-31公斤. 原产于英国,德国,西班牙等国,品种有短毛也有刚毛的,是猎鸟犬中最古老的品种之一. 已有数千年的历史.用来寻出猎物,并通知猎手猎物所在的位置,所有的种类都有一个共同点,

3. 指标:r) 以及 指标 (pointer) 可让数值传递的时候节省记忆体空间.函式超载 (function overload) 是一种让单一函式能够接受多类型输入的技巧.在此篇教学中涵盖了基本的 多态性 (polymorphism) 与 虚拟函式 (virtual functions).继承 (inheritance) 让你可以先一个类别中衍生出更多的类别,

pointer 词典解释

1. 建议;点子;提示
    A pointer is a piece of advice or information which helps you to understand a situation or to find a way of making progress.


    e.g. I hope at least my daughter was able to offer you some useful pointers...
    e.g. Here are a few pointers to help you make a choice.

2. 暗示;线索;迹象
    A pointer to something suggests that it exists or gives an idea of what it is like.

    e.g. His victory in the first race here on Tuesday was a timely pointer to his chance of remaining unbeaten...
    e.g. Sunday's elections should be a pointer to the public mood.

3. 指示棒;教鞭
    A pointer is a long stick that is used to point at something such as a large chart or diagram when explaining something to people.


    e.g. She tapped on the world map with her pointer.

4. (测量仪器上的)指针
    The pointer on a measuring instrument is the long, thin piece of metal that points to the numbers.

pointer 单语例句

1. Bryant hit a two pointer at the buzzer to close out the scoring.

2. Huang's conviction is a clear pointer that the markets watchdog is no longer toothless in curbing illegal share deals.

3. This sector is undoubtedly a pointer to the way that Chinese consumption patterns will evolve in 2013 and for the next several years.

4. Lakers forward Luke Walton came out of the game for good late in the first quarter with a right hip pointer.

5. They are a grim pointer to the police's alleged inhuman behavior against criminal suspects.

6. The rapid increase in the number of attacks is a pointer to the complexity of the situation in the region.

7. Clippers swingman Quinton Ross left with a hip pointer in the third quarter and did not return.

8. The listing of the Top 100 Counties is a pointer to our growth.

9. A notice published by the Shanghai municipal government on its website to regulate the activities of its government officials is a pointer.

10. The confidence Financial Minister Jin Renqing displayed when answering journalists'questions yesterday was a good pointer to China's growing fiscal strength.

pointer 英英释义



1. a strong slender smooth-haired dog of Spanish origin having a white coat with brown or black patches
    scents out and points to game

    Synonym: Spanish pointer

2. (computer science) indicator consisting of a movable spot of light (an icon) on a visual display
    moving it allows the user to point to commands or screen positions

    Synonym: cursor

3. an indicator as on a dial

4. a mark to indicate a direction or relation

    Synonym: arrow

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