
poised是什么意思 poised在线翻译 poised什么意思 poised的意思 poised的翻译 poised的解释 poised的发音 poised的同义词 poised的反义词 poised的例句

poised [pɔɪzd]  [pɔɪzd] 


poised 基本解释

形容词沉着的,镇定的; 保持平衡的,均衡的; 静止不动的; 悬空的

poised 相关例句


1. The bee hung poised above the flower.

poised 网络解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 泰然:poise 平衡 | poised 泰然 | poison dogwood 美国毒漆树

2. 准备就绪的;泰然自若的:plunge 下降;急跌 | poised 准备就绪的;泰然自若的 | poll 选票,民意测试

3. 沉著的:55.persuasive 有說服力的 | 56.poised 沉著的 | 57.practical 實際的

4. poised

4. (专设安全系统)准备好,待用:point-to-point analysis 逐点分析 | poised (专设安全系统)准备好,待用 | poised state 准备好的状态,待用状态

poised 词典解释

1. (身体部位)摆好姿势不动的
    If a part of your body is poised, it is completely still but ready to move at any moment.


    e.g. He studied the keyboard carefully, one finger poised.

2. 作好一切准备的;随时准备行动的
    If someone is poised to do something, they are ready to take action at any moment.

    e.g. Britain was poised to fly medical staff to the country at short notice...
    e.g. US forces are poised for a massive air, land and sea assault.

3. 镇定的;沉着的;泰然自若的
    If you are poised, you are calm, dignified, and self-controlled.

    e.g. She was self-assured, poised, almost self-satisfied...
    e.g. Rachel appeared poised and calm.

poised 单语例句

1. The UK is poised to take similar action, " allowing " local government pension funds to invest in infrastructure projects.

2. Economic theories stipulate that money should chase spots of highest return, and Yang is poised at the curve of high growth and high return.

3. The " green element " in Doha now is poised to add weight to their motto for the Games.

4. This process has created disparities between coastal and inland areas as some parts of the country were better poised to benefit from economic globalisation.

5. Highly exposed to base metals and precious metals due to its big mining industry, the Australian economy is poised to feel pressure if commodity prices fall further.

6. DETROIT - Chris Webber is poised to sign a contract with the Detroit Pistons, his hometown NBA team said on Monday.

7. The advance came after a cash shortage in the financial system eased and the nation's biggest brokerages said equities were poised to rally.

8. China is also maintaining its active involvement in regional opportunities such as APEC, with its role in such summits poised to deepen.

9. And as tightening policies targeting real estate are poised to continue, land sales may even drop further.

10. China's listed companies are poised to report their biggest drop in earnings in at least two years.

poised 英英释义


1. in full control of your faculties

    e.g. the witness remained collected throughout the cross-examination
           perfectly poised and sure of himself
           more self-contained and more dependable than many of the early frontiersmen
           strong and self-possessed in the face of trouble

    Synonym: collectedequanimousself-collectedself-containedself-possessed

2. marked by balance or equilibrium and readiness for action

    e.g. a gull in poised flight
           George's poised hammer

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