
polio是什么意思 polio在线翻译 polio什么意思 polio的意思 polio的翻译 polio的解释 polio的发音 polio的同义词 polio的反义词 polio的例句

polio [ˈpəʊliəʊ]  [ˈpoʊlioʊ] 

polio 基本解释



polio 网络解释

1. polio的解释

1. 小儿麻痹症:施泰夫本人幼年时因为小儿麻痹症(polio)而需要坐轮椅. 她自小就以布料制造玩具动物自娱. 佳士得拍卖行的泰迪熊专家丹尼尔.阿格纽(Daniel Agnew)解释说,两只熊是分别送到佳士得出售的.

2. 脊髓灰质炎:肠道病毒起初的分型是根据其导致的人类疾病(脊髓灰质炎(Polio)病毒)、在乳鼠中的复制能力和病理(柯萨奇(Coxachie)病毒)、在细胞中可进行培养但不导致疾病(艾柯(Echo)病毒).

3. polio

3. 脊髓灰质炎病毒:[目的]快速检测水中肠道病毒.[方法]一步单管反转录PCR,通用引物多重PCR.[结果]反转录与PCR在一个反应管中一步操作即可完成,用6条引物一次反应成功地检测了甲型肝炎病毒(HAV)、脊髓灰质炎病毒(Polio)、柯萨奇B组病毒(CoxB)和埃可病毒(EV).其特异性为半套式PCR所证实,

4. 感染脊髓灰质炎:杨腓力在1949年出生於乔治亚州阿特兰大,一岁生日后一个月父亲因感染脊髓灰质炎(polio)去世,童年在乔治亚州度过,与兄长过著贫穷困乏的单亲家庭生活. 他回忆自己童年是在充满禁条的南方教会保守基要主义和社区浓厚种族主义等令人窒息的氛围下成长,

polio 词典解释

1. 脊髓灰质炎;小儿麻痹症
    Polio is a serious infectious disease which often makes people unable to use their legs.

    e.g. Gladys was crippled by polio at the age of 3.

polio 单语例句


1. Polio is an acute infectious viral disease that can cause paralysis of muscles.

2. But he has said the cervical cancer vaccine is no different from the one that protects children against polio.

3. Despite his pain and difficulty in moving on legs crippled by polio, he maintained a cheery exterior and avoided being photographed in a wheelchair.

4. The cost of the polio vaccine itself is relatively cheap, but the cost of administering vaccines for all infants is high.

5. But a spinal deformity from the polio kept Odell from wearing a more modern, portable breathing device.

6. By funding the Global Polio Emergency Action Plan for the next two years, we can make the threat of polio a distant and fading memory.

7. Nigeria has committed funds from its own treasury, and polio eradication in all three countries depends heavily on government resources.

8. Authorities have in past struggled with recalls following the widespread sale of fake polio vaccines, vitamins and even baby formula.

9. This problem will also go away once we eradicate polio and the use of the polio vaccine can be stopped.

10. The last naturally occurring case of polio in the United States was in 1979, and health officials consider the disease eliminated in the Western Hemisphere.

polio 英英释义



1. an acute viral disease marked by inflammation of nerve cells of the brain stem and spinal cord

    Synonym: poliomyelitisinfantile paralysisacute anterior poliomyelitis

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