
polling是什么意思 polling在线翻译 polling什么意思 polling的意思 polling的翻译 polling的解释 polling的发音 polling的同义词 polling的反义词

polling [ˈpəʊlɪŋ]  [ˈpoʊlɪŋ] 


polling 基本解释

名词投票; 轮询

动词投票; 获得…张票数(poll的ing形式); 对…进行调查

polling 网络解释

1. 轮询:(A) 直接记忆体存取 (D MA) 控制器可让主记忆体和I/O 设备直接互传资料(B) 中断起始 ( interrupt-initiated) I/O 由I/O 设备向处理器 (C PU) 发出中断请求 (request )(C) 轮询 ( polling) 法可以藉由改变程式内容来控制I/O 之优

2. 轮流检测:接收电流低,仅为11mA,而且在轮流检测(Polling)模式时可以通过周期性暂停的方法使其更低,以延长电池寿命. 它还提供进一步降低电流消耗的待机模式. 为了使通信范围更广,无线传输模块内建的功率放大器提供的输出功率可达10mW.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 查询:* 包括INMARSAT-C所有业务功能:群呼(EGC),E-MAIL,遇险信息操作,数据报告,查询(POLLING),普通数据交换,电传(telex)等. * 可选内置GPS模块,同时还可以作为船舶保安报警系统(SSAS)的报警设备.

4. 投票:Web 投票(polling)或 Web 表决(voting)为从网站访问者那里获得反馈提供了一种很好的方式. 本文展示了如何使用 IBM DB2 UDB、PHP 和 Linux 将这项功能添加到 Web 站点中. 您将研究的设计包括:使用数据库存储选票信息,

polling 词典解释

1. (选举中的)投票
    Polling is the act of voting in an election.


    e.g. There has been a busy start to polling in today's local elections...
    e.g. Elections were postponed the day before polling was due to take place.

polling 单语例句

1. An Egyptian woman reads a ballot before casting her vote at a polling station during the parliamentary election in Cairo on Monday.

2. Many Haitians voted by candlelight Tuesday night after spending hours in lines stretching up to a mile at some polling stations.

3. Many waited until midday to see whether the Taliban would carry through with threats to attack polling stations.

4. Trained polling staff directed voters to check their identity cards and illustrated how to cast ballots as 92 percent of the southern residents are illiterate.

5. He threatened to keep polling stations in his province closed but relented last week, although he told his supporters not to cast ballots.

6. Hundreds lined up at a polling station in southern Tehran to cast ballots.

7. Catalan Nationalists CiU are the third strongest group in Congress after polling almost a million votes in Catalonia.

8. Britain's census is nine years out of date and the polling districts haven't caught up to population shifts.

9. The main polling station and the central counting station are both located at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center.

10. A Taliban fighter died attacking a polling station overnight and three more were killed in a clash in which two policemen died.

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