
postal是什么意思 postal在线翻译 postal什么意思 postal的意思 postal的翻译 postal的解释 postal的发音 postal的同义词 postal的反义词 postal的例句

postal [ˈpəʊstl]  [ˈpoʊstl] 

postal 基本解释

形容词邮政的; 邮政局的


postal 相关例句


1. The war stopped postal communication between the two countries.

postal 情景对话


A:Would you please weigh this letter to see what the postage is?

B:Do you want to send it by ordinary or registered mail?

A:By ordinary air mail, please.

B:Anything of value in it?


A:A postal order for four hundred dollars.
      一张400 美元的邮政汇票。


B:In that case, you’d better have it registered.

A:Will I be informed when my friend gets the letter?

B:Yes, when your friend gets it, he’ll sign a receipt, which will be sent to you by mail. Then you can be sure it’s been received.

A:All right, I’ll have it registered, then.

postal 网络解释

1. 郵 政 恐 怖 份 子:[邮政恐怖份子的剧情]:<<邮政恐怖份子>>( Postal )故事的主人公乔因为经济困难,极其迫切的想要找到一份工作,然而面试却毫无进展,去福利局的路上还险些丧了命.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 快乐的恐怖份子:<<快乐的恐怖份子>>(Postal)导演剪切版[DVDRip].扎克.沃德本来是为格雷格警官这个角色来试镜的,但影片的制片人们却觉得他更适合演主角珀斯托.杜德......而格雷格警官最终则变成了克里斯.斯宾塞(Chris Spencer)的角色.

3. 邮政的:postal telegraph 邮政电报 | postal 邮政的 | postbox 信箱

postal 词典解释

1. 邮政的;邮政业务的
    Postal is used to describe things or people connected with the public service of carrying letters and packages from one place to another.

    e.g. Compensation for lost or damaged mail will be handled by the postal service...
    e.g. Include your full postal address.

2. 邮寄的;邮递的
    Postal is used to describe activities that involve sending things by post.


    e.g. Unions would elect their leadership by secret postal ballot.
    e.g. ...a postal course in freelance photography.

postal 单语例句

1. Basic services are letters and newspaper subscriptions, the postal system's core business in the past.

2. Confidence levels of business people in construction, transportation and postal services were unchanged compared with the first quarter.

3. Due to the overwhelming importance of the postal savings business to the postal system, efforts to correct the interest rate problem have long met strong resistance.

4. Ma also vowed to improve postal services in urban areas by increasing letter box coverage in residential buildings.

5. The prime minister had said he would reshuffle the cabinet after parliament passed the postal privatization bills and its session ended.

6. Koizumi said voters had given him a mandate to privatize the postal system, the centrepiece of his reform agenda.

7. It was first proposed in 1999 by the government body in charge of China's postal and telecommunications services.

8. Postal Service received a tip about a child pornography Web site based in Dallas.

9. US Postal Service spokesman Victor Dubina says the postcard may have been stuck in equipment or lost behind a mail chute.

10. The Postal Law states that customers can claim compensation at the insured or original price for both insured and uninsured goods damaged during delivery.

postal 英英释义


1. of or relating to the system for delivering mail

    e.g. postal delivery

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